Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Iraq Report - The "Duh" Factor

Who can take these guys seriously? The Iraq report essentially says: Things are bad, we should make them better.

Gosh, thanks for the brilliant insight. More taxpayer money well spent!

Robert Tracinski nails it:

"The whole ISG report is a spectacular punt. It contains a few broad, vague goals for our policy--and a whole range of specific recommendations for actions that are not in the power of the American government to take. "
Read the whole thing.

For a different voice, with a similar take, David Limbaugh also has a good article about the Study Group and its report.

UPDATE: Daniel Pipes, noted expert on Islam/Middle East writes about the Report and the Group here.

The Gunslinger


  1. Sounds a bit like all our parties in the UK. Questionnaires with queries such as 'are you in favour of your family's safety?' are held up as being proof positive of overwhelming demand for ID cards, that sort of tripe. Maybe we should just wipe out party politics and start again, I dunno.....

    So glad I found your blog again, I've got a lot of catch-up reading to do.

    And my sympathies on the passing away of your cat. May the mice be plump and silly in the afterlife.

  2. Thank you, Mr. Smith. I love the wish about the mice! Honey would appreciate it.

    The "surrender monkeys" of the Democratic Party who brought us the defining defeat of our modern American character: Vietnam, are at it again. It's hard to understand why they want so badly to lose.

    Mental derangement is the only reasonable explanation.

    An American Conservative radio talk show host calls Liberalism a "mental disorder". I find it hard to disagree.

  3. Hmmn. Putting on my extra-paranoid thinking cap (albeit a little late, I only just saw your reply, mea culpa) I could speculate that they actually hate their country and wish it destroyed in favour of somebody else's 'culture'. Something like a frenzied cultural oedipal syndrome, just without the redeeming characteristic of loving their mothers.
