Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Whimpering Fall of America

Well, the Democrats have been elected to control the Senate and the House. I'd like to say that I find some ray of hope in the action...but, no. It proves the essential unseriousness of The People as well as the Democratic Party. It proves their ignorance of history, power and influence.

If The People want a "New Direction" in Iraq, and voted the Democrats the power to effect it, it can only mean they want to "get out". The Democrats were not offering any other sort of "New Direction".

If like me, The People wanted us to stop using kid gloves, and stop fighting a politically correct war, to kick ass, take names and let God sort them out, they could not, would not have elected Democrats.

We have one hope as a nation, and that is that President Bush has the character and stubbornness to resist the unbelievable pressure to do what the Democrats want. He will be fighting his own war against the Congress, as well as the war in Iraq. If for two years, he can hold out...and if at the end of that time, Republicans regain control of Congress and we elect a Republican President, we might squeak through this crisis without ending the American Era in a simpering whimper.

If the Democrats have their way, and we leave Iraq un-won, this is in our future:

1) Allies will evaporate because we will have proven ourselves AGAIN to be undependable cowards. Would YOU go into a fight with a "friend" you knew would split just when things get bloody and tough?

2) Enemies will know we have no heart, no spine, no courage, no character. All they have to do is hold out, because we'll eventually run from the battle leaving them victors on the field.

3) Negotiating "partners" will make demands, not concessions. They will have nothing to fear from us, because we don't follow through on threats, promises, action or retribution. We will have proven that we are the decadent "weak horse" Osama Bin Laden called us.

4) Hostile nations may attack us because we have clearly demonstrated that even after the Manhattan Massacre of 9-11, we can not summon the anger, resolve, drive, character and courage to defeat our enemies or to make serious sacrifices for our principles, our slaughtered countrymen or our nation's security and future.

5) Domestic terrorists will become bolder, more savage, more barbaric and more extreme, because we have proved we will not meet force with equal force, and insist on giving terrorists American Constitutional Rights, and will not permit our police to do what is necessary to win. The sooner the enemy can sicken us with bodies and blood, mayhem, chaos and fear, the sooner and more completely we will seek to appease them and surrender ourselves and our country for "peace".

Hope I won't be around to see it. Pity the kids. They will.

Buy your Koran now. Avoid the rush.

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Whatever happened to 'praise the Lord and pass the ammunition'?
