Sunday, November 19, 2006

Islam "Exposed"

For anyone who didn't see it, here's Glenn Beck's "Exposed". This is what I call, "Must See TV"!

The Gunslinger


  1. What I have been asking for some time now is where are the moderate Muslims.Why are they not marching in the streets against the radicals and terrorists.I kept hearing that the radicals were just a small fraction of the Muslim population,why have they not crushed them by now.Why burn effigies of George Bush and Tony Blair when they are fighting against the radicals not moderate Muslims.I think the number of Islamic Fascists is much much larger than we know,and many so called moderate Muslims are in the closet.

  2. Shieldwall,

    Things are fine. Christmas is fast approaching, and shopping must be done! I'll be on vacation for the next 3 weeks, so I hope I can spend some time getting back up to speed on the blog...and BFB's etc. too.
    Hope your holiday is great.

  3. harbinger,

    I agree. I think the estimate of "moderate" muslims is WAY overstated...and that of radicals, understated.

    I suppose the silence might be due to fear...but that becomes less and less acceptable as the bloodshed and evil escalate. One has to take a stand against evil, even if it is dangerous. Otherwise one becomes not only a coward, but a collaborator.
