Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Death of the Jews was the Death of Europe

Battle for Britain found an incredibly insightful and sad commentary on the history of Europe, particularly in respect to the killing of so may Jews during WWII. We think of it as a holocaust in individual human terms...and from the Jews' perspective. But we do not ususally consider what WE have lost because of that horror.

Read it here.

The Gunslinger


  1. no offence,but I believe that the second world war killed a lot of people who MAY have contributed to the arts, science,sports etc...on all sides,no matter what their family back ground or politics were,the holocaust was sad and awful but a lot of other nationalities suffered and died also,the soviets I believe lost 20 million,incredible,in amongst all the casualty figures you can bet there must have been a budding writer,poet,musician etc..somewhere,a sad thought indeed,but UNFORTUNATELY,such is war,"in peacetime,sons bury their fathers,in war,fathers bury their sons",AMEN!.

  2. You are absolutely right of course, but a glance at the list of Nobel laureates does sort of give you pause...lots of Jews (except for PEACE, of course! hehe)

    And hey, yell at Phil. I got this from him!

    This isn't to deny the contributions of others or not recognize the terrible waste of human life by other tyrants...just a thought about one way to look at the Holocaust that isn't generally mentioned. And I thought it was interesting.

    It is ALSO another way to look at the other deaths. Almost always, the best are killed in those circumstances.

    The Cultural Revolution in China killed all the educated, the spirited, and self-motivated and the entrepreneurial. They're too dangerous for a government that wants meek and obedient sheep.

    One of the ways to consider American success is that the people who immigrated here, and built the country were all courageous self-starters. That's the type that takes the risk to leave home, friend, family, familiarity to find and make a new life for themselves.

    It seems to be true of the past immigrants. Not so sure about the new ones that come to collect welfare...

    It also explains the drifting shiftlessness of the current generations of Americans. They aren't the courageous type. They were born in the lap of prosperity, and expect to be taken care of from birth to death. No fearless, risk-taking, individualists here...just a bunch of sheeple who have become just as soft and maleable as the Europeans who never left home.


    The next great "country" will be on another planet. Only the brave and strong will go always, and until it gets too settled and prosperous, it will be filled with just the sort of people that don't want a lot of pencil pushers telling them what to do!

    It'll be the NEW the Old West. I wish I had a chance of living long enough to join them!

    Because we're all becoming Frenchified...and it's really creepin' me out.
