Sunday, October 15, 2006

Journalism's Best Friends

The important thing in this story is the last paragraph.

The ACLU filed a lawsuit in January seeking to stop the program on behalf of journalists, scholars and lawyers claiming it has made it difficult for them to do their jobs because they believe many of their overseas contacts are likely targets.


“We don’t want you to monitor terrorists because they are our friends, contacts, sources, stringers and staff.”

And apparently, they don't see anything wrong with saying it out loud.

What exactly are they teaching at "jounalism school"? And why are they not being hanged as traitors?

It certainly becomes easier to understand the abominable crap they produce.

The Gunslinger


  1. SHIT,I thought Britain just had the pricks with stupid "ideas" and "love everybody ideals",bloody hell where are the normal people who can make a bigger noise?.

  2. I think normal people believe what they read in the newspapers, what they see on the news. I think they do no realize how bad things are.

    They wish to be kind and tolerant, and believe that their leaders are doing what's best...or as well as they can.

    I think they believe this because they are busy working, trying to make ends meet, raising kids and doing all the things that people have to do to survive.

    When they finally are confronted with the hideous results of the bungling greed, powermadness, and spinelessness of their leaders, because it impinges on their actual daily lives, they will find their voices...and possibly their weapons.

    I have no doubt "we" will win. I just don't want to have to fight the battle that hesitation and procrastination will create. The longer we wait, the worse the situation will be, and the bloodier the fight.


  3. your a lucky bastard with the guns,I used to belong to a pistol club here in Plymouth,I used to love it,its a good way to get rid of anger etc....,I have shot various pistols,44 magnum,original ww2 Luger,glocks,357 Magnum,BRNO`s and others I cant remember(long time ago),I envy you,it was all stopped by the government,now only the crims have the guns,good eh.Have fun with your guns and keep fighting.(explanation for the screen name is further back in your blog).

  4. Oh, believe me, if our Left-Wingers could, they'd take our guns as fast as yours did. But this one sentence fucks them up every time:

    "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

    That's the complete text of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. The LAW OF THE LAND. And it cannot legally be abrogated by the President, Congress, any State or local government, or the courts.

    Oh, they have "infringed", believe me, and tried to "interpret" it to say something other than it says...and that's what our Gun-Rights organizations are all about.

    But in the face of that sentence, they simply cannot get away with banning them. They chip away, calling it sensible regulation, but most of those doing it don't know a Glock from a hacksaw. They are, by and large, terrified of guns. They think guns have a mind of their own, and may just "go off" at any moment, killing randomly.

    And they clearly have very little respect for "average" people, because they assume that if one of them gets his hands on a gun, it will instantly turn him into a homicidal maniac.

    We honor our "Founding Fathers": Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Ben Franklin, James al. because they bequeathed to us that wonderful document that does just what they meant it to do...protect the people from the government!

  5. Guns don't kill people...people kill people.

    The Nu-Lab government didn't ban hand-guns to make the country safer (gun crime has rocketted since the ban, particularly among blacks) but because legal gun ownership was seen as a persuit of the wealthy. They banned fox hunting for the same reason.

    If they cared that much about animal rights they would have banned vivisection first as they promised to do, but had no intention of doing.

  6. WELL SAID PHIL,dont forget the Halal meat trade aswell,it is just as cruel.

  7. Pardon me if I suggest that your government banned guns because they don't want an armed citizenry. Much safer for corrupt politicians that way.

    And the "pursuit of the wealthy" label is just promoting class warfare; their divide and conquer tactics to win their way.

    The American Left believe they are "The Anointed", as in "divine right" to rule. And I'll bet your Left is just the same: They know what's best for you and will force it on you whether you like it or not. "Freedom" to them only means their right to impose their worldview on the culture...FREE...of any annoying resistance or argument from those stupid, ignorant, inferior, evil people who disagree with them

    Thomas Sowell writes about them in his book : THE VISION OF THE ANOINTED. I recommend it highly.

  8. "Armed citizenry" AND "persuit of the wealthy"...a bit of both.

    Yes, the left do consider themselves 'holier than thou', they always know best even when the country is collapsing around them (although that is almost certainly their intention: to create an New Order you first have to destroy the old one).

  9. They believe in their own vision, utterly blind to the fact that it has failed on every level, in every place, and in every time it has every been tried.

    But they are like madmen in the grip of schizophrenic visions. They are simply incapable of seeing the real world.

    And they are as dogmatic, rigid, humorless and incapable of intellectual growth as Muslims.

  10. Amen to that!

    PS: Lurve the new photo...(-:
