Thursday, October 19, 2006

Black and White Americans

In light of several comments and emails I've received about yesterday's post: "Is White Nationalism Racist?" I'd like to clear up a few points:

The article was concerned with the fact that the White majority of the United States is being threatened by the influx of millions of immigrants, legal and illegal from non-white, third-world countries.

What it was not concerned with, is the unique situation of American Blacks.

While America has always been a decidedly and overwhelmingly white nation, we have always had a small black minority. Not one who demanded entry to take advantage of our good and generous nature, but whose ancestors were dragged here in chains quite against their wills. They have been in America for more generations than many whites (whose ancestors immigrated in the 19th and 20th centuries). And they are the co-inheritors of the American Cultural Heritage.

Black and White Americans share a culture, even if they sometimes try to deny it. My father, child of immigrants assimilated into the American Culture, leaving Italy behind as the child of slaves assimilated into the American Culture, leaving Africa behind.

We can pretend we are still Italian or African, but we're not. The fact is "Italian-Americans" don't return to live in the Old Country. And neither do "African-Americans". Because we are the children of America. And America is home.

That's why "White Nationalism" —as strange as it sounds— is just as important for American Blacks. It's goal is to preserve what is their culture too.

It was in this culture that Blacks were immersed since they were brought from Africa, It is the one in which they have been born and raised for generations, in which they became free, and struggled to equality. This is the only culture for good and evil that American Blacks have known since the 18th century. They could not help but absorb it, assimilate it, adopt it as their own.

Black and White Americans, co-inheritors of a culture under attack, are both being assaulted by an invasion of people who do not share, and do not wish to share, our cultural heritage or values. Values we share on a level much deeper than skin color. And it would be an oddly racist assumption to assume that because the foreign invaders' faces are brown, they are the "natural" allies of Americans whose faces are black.

The Gunslinger


  1. Dear Ladt Gunslinger,

    Thanks for dropping by The Muslim Question. We appreciate your comments.

    I also like the posed gun-toting photos. Very nice.

    Being an old soldier who packed an M203 and a standard M9 Beretta into combat several times, I never took a liking to the Glock.

    The M9 was great for our mission:

    "Deter, and if necessary, compel adversaries by enabling individuals and small units to engage targets with accurate, lethal, direct fire."

  2. bloody hell Lance,WHAT war was it,you look dreadful in the photo,it must have been hell.NO SERIOUSLY, what war?, I am interested,I always admire war veterans whether British or American or any other,good on you mate and all the best to you!.

  3. lance - welcome
    goes to show you...the minute I picked up the Glock-19, I knew I'd found a winner. I punch out the center of the bullseye every time with that sucker.

    I haven't shot a M-9 Baretta, but I did have a small one. It was heavy (all metal) for its size, and rather large for its caliber. Not the best combination. I realize I can't judge a whole company on one gun, but it didn't inspire me to look for more.

    And field stripping a Glock takes approximately 2 seconds!

    They ain't pretty, but their super functional.

    I'm planning on a 1911 for beauty and BIG HOLES.

    Shieldwall, do you have a blog? Where can I go to read more from you?

  4. Gunslinger,sorry I have no blog,not that sophisticated like that show off Phil(BFB),I will keep popping in now and again with my lovely pearls of wisdom and doom and gloom.Keep up the good work,your blog is on a par with Phils,very good.NEVER SURRENDER!.

  5. That's a promise, Shieldwall.
    Like Bruce Springsteen said (the dirty Liberal)

    "No retreat; no surrender!"

    I'll keep my eye out for you.
