Tuesday, December 08, 2020

They're Liars!

 Just to be clear...the bullshit scare tactics about the China Virus, are just that:  BULLSHIT!

The Democrat "leaders" are telling us that if we do not wear a mask while alone in our houses....or social distance 100 miles away from our aged mothers on Christmas Day...we are no better than murderers...because the slightest exposure to the Wuhan Flu—or your breath— is a DEATH SENTENCE...for anyone!

 Now...while they are screeching this at normal people, they are meeting with friends, going out to fancy restaurants, hanging out together without masks in asshole-to-belly-button proximity.

 What does this tell us?

 It tells us that they do not believe a single word they are telling us.

What they are saying are LIES. Lies that they know are lies. And LIES that they do not, for one moment believe.

If they did, they would not act as they do. They would act as hysterically fearful in their private lives as they demand we do. 

But they don't. They BEHAVE as though the threat is a minor one...less dangerous, even, than the annual flu for anyone under 70.

I'm done listening to them, obeying them, paying any attention to them.





  1. It's state sponsored, and media enabled, psychological terrorism, Gunslinger. Live not by lies.

  2. Exactly, my friend. The question is...what can, shall, need we do about it?

  3. The question is...what can, shall, need we do about it?

    Stand ready for whatever contingency presents itself.
