Tuesday, December 08, 2020

She Speaks For Me

 We Remember  

by Ava Armstrong 
@MsAvaArmstrong on Twitter

I tolerated Obama for 8 long years. I didn't loot or burn my city, I waited for the next election. Here is my issue with, "Let's all be a United States again" that we heard from Biden. For the past 4+ years, democrats have gone scorched earth.

Then after burning the fields, they now want you to grow new crops. The problem is 80+ million of us have memories longer than a guinea pig.

We remember the women's march, vagina hats and all, the day after President Trump was inaugurated. We remember the 4+ years of attacks and fake impeachments. We remember "not our president" and the "Resistance"... We remember Maxine telling followers to harass us in restaurants.

We remember Trump's spokesperson being kicked out of a restaurant. We remember Trump supporters physically attacked and doxed and fired from jobs. We remember rioting and looting and violence against innocent white people.

We remember a so-called comedian holding up our President's severed head. We remember a play in Central Park paid for with public money, showing the killing of our beloved president.

We remember Robt DeNiro yelling, "F Trump" at the Tonys and getting a standing ovation. We remember Pelosi tearing up the State of The Union Address. We remember the total coordination of mainstream media to hit our beloved President day after day after day.

We remember the non-stop and live fact-checking on our President and his supporters. We remember non-stop in your face lies and open cover-ups from media. We remember the President and his staff being spied upon. We remember 5 senators shot on a baseball field.

We remember every so-called "comedy show" turned into nothing but a hate Trump fest. We remember 95% negative coverage in news We remember the state governors asking for and receiving everything needed, and then blaming President Trump for their problems.

We remember a Trump top aide verbally assaulted in two DC restaurants. We remember "protesters" banging on Supreme Court doors, threatening our new Justice. We remember we were called every name in the book for supporting President Trump.

We've had our property destroyed for daring to put out a Trump banner or sign on our lawn. We have been harassed for wearing a Trump shirt or hat, or having a Trump bumper sticker on our car. We remember Hollywood saying they'd leave the country if Trump was elected, but didn't.

We remember VP Pence being harassed while watching the musical Hamilton. This list is endless, but you get the idea. NONE of this was acceptable to us. We will never just go along to get along again.

You -- the so-called resistance have ignited a fire in patriots that hasn't been lit since 1776. Go ahead, tell us to cooperate, tell us to stand down. 

You will now reap what you have sown. 



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  1. Never will we accept another communist president.

    Never will we accept another foreign born president

    Never will we surrender our arms

    Never will we surrender our children to the state

    Never will we surrender our property to the state.
