Tuesday, June 09, 2020

The REAL Agenda of "Defund the Police"

The Left does not really want to have no police. What they really want is for the current police departments to be de-funded and replaced by Brown-Shirted Goon Squads of their choosing*.

These "police" will have the best weapons, (while you will have none), they will have few restrictions, rules or regulations other than to "obey their masters".

No oaths of loyalty to the Constitution will be required.

Their entire mission will be to see to it that the orders of the city bosses are followed without question. And that the consequences of disobeying them will be dire.

They will be chosen according to their loyalty to the narrative, the goals, the ends of the Leftist-Fascists who run the City.

They will call these New Police by various innocuous names, that have "community" and "welfare" and "betterment" and "assistance" and "guidance" and "support" in various combinations...

...but they will be just another version of the "police" of Hilter's Germany, and Stalin's USSR, and Kim Jong Un's NK.

They know that NOBODY in America supports de-funding police...but they think—and they might be right—that they can convince a majority of us that a new, updated, kinder, gentler, more sensitive, more "diverse" sort of police—which they will design and implement—will be an improvement over the current violent, racist, militaristic, macho police that we currently have.

I could not imagine how the Dimocraps were so stupid as to suggest "defund the police" a couple of months before an election when 85% of the electorate strongly disagrees.

It made no sense. Even for stupid Dimocraps.

Now I can see that the very well might have a much more devious strategy in mind.

Let's not let them succeed!


*hat-tip Tucker Carlson


  1. If anyone recalls, it was Obama that wanted some kind of civilian corps as well armed and trained as the military. I took that as a threat to form something similar to the NKVD, Black Shirts or Brown Shirts. It seems some people are willing to start phase one of his idea.

  2. Except it wouldn't really be a "civilian corps". it would be a Leftist Good Squad.

    I suggest we start a Patriot Militia. Sounds similar, but is exactly the opposite!
