We have spent so much ink and thought on the horrible Dimocrap wastelands of Detroit, Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Baltimore, etc...that we pretty much ignored Seattle.
But now, seemingly out of nowhere, Pantie-Fa is "occupying" part of the city, and apparently preparing to claim even more land.
I don't know how this is even possible in America...but of course three weeks ago, I could not have imagined so many inner cities aflame and looted. This seems like a turning point. And I don't think it's gonna end well for the criminals. But it's certainly not good for America.
It may even get bloody. I hope not. But if these savages make the mistake of moving into the wrong states, cities, neighborhoods, full-fledge WAR may erupt. Depending on the role police are willing to play, it could get pretty Citizen Militia time.
Here's an update on the situation and the terrorists' plans.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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