Sunday, June 21, 2020

Can I just say...

White Privilege is a myth

Looting Is Not Protesting

Toxic Masculinity is a lie

All Lives Matter

Non-Whites Can Be Racist (duh...) 

Cancel Culture = Book Burning

There Are 2 Sexes

Statue Hate = If you don't know history, you're bound to repeat it

De-fund the Media, not the police


  1. The democrats are the ones who started the pandemic to overthrow Trump so they can get their money and power back. Leaked documents reveal the main players in this
    They want to do this to patriots .,.Look at this video ASAP!!!'

  2. I don't know if they technically STARTED it...but they sure took advantage of it, and used it to try to damage POTUS as much as possible. Of course, as always, they over-played their hand...and we're seeing through their bullshit at this point.
