Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Øbama and the Communist Insurgency

Just read this on Seems like something we should be paying attention to:

posted  by donald_zuramp

Obama is never going to go away. He is functioning like a president in exile instead of a former president. He will never stop organizing against whoever the current administration is UNLESS they are comprised of his own cadres.

We are in the terminal phase of a communist takeover of this country. It is happening this very second, not a drill, not "imminent", this is what it looks like. Obama is directing his goons in the media, his goons still embedded in government, and his goons on the street. He is a terrorist. Deal with him now before this country is past the point of no return.

I am copypastaing my comment here and in other threads on this topic so you all realize what's going on. It is as bad as you think. Obama is not a "former president". Obama is a "president in exile". Repeat this in your head until it sinks in. He still commands incredible power in government, law enforcement, media and on the street level. He is an bona fide enemy of the state.

And we are being punished with crisis after crisis until his cadres are back in the White House. If we win in November expect it to get 100X worse, it simply will not stop until we start treating his people like the honest to god insurgents that they are. 

Full Stop.

If there are people in your life who are awake and receptive please explain this to them in a way that is as reasonable sounding as possible - people who aren't paying attention will think it sounds crazy. Ask them, "when in your life have you ever seen a former president continue to remain active in politics? When have you seen a former president continue to organize? Address the nation publicly and go against the current administration?"


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