Saturday, March 10, 2018

Like Fish in a Barrel

"School shootings exemplify what would happen if we lost our right to bear arms. One (untrained) person with a gun is able to kill at will and pretty much control a school ( a thousand people? ). Imagine how easily controlled our populace would become when trained soldiers are the ones doing the shooting? Our right to bear arms ( and STRONG arms ) is non-negotiable.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I just had this random thought and wanted to share as it puts a bit of a different spin on the lefts narrative."

Truer words were never spoke...

 My response:

Amen, IHydra. You are exactly right.

And the incomparable malfeasance displayed by Broward County "government" demonstrates exactly why the fascist left's insistence the Government will protect us once we're given up our own weapons, is laughable - even if they WERE sincere. 



  1. Tony Rubolotta11/3/18 9:32 AM

    I don't know how many ways we have to make the same argument but this is a good one too. Ironic that mass shooting are taking place largely in "Gun Free Zones". That's a place where you are forced to give up your right to self-defense so that bad people can kill without fear for their own life. The sooner we end the "Gun Free Zone" nonsense, the sooner those places are taken back by the good guys with guns. Seriously, I'm starting to avoid places that have that idiotic gun free icon that no criminal is going to respect but views as a "Welcome" sign.

  2. Yes, yes, and thousand times "yes". Of course, this entire argument by the left is just cover for their real agenda which is to disarm we have no defense against THEM.
