Had to share this comments exchange on this American Thinker article.
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merlin3033 bitterclinger1603:
To be fair, more of that money has gone to whites, because whites are the majority of the population. Note that the money spent on welfare is about the same as the national debt. And what have we gotten for that money?

eDeplorabisUnum merlin3033 • 6 hours ago
More Black and Chicano babies of the retardate variety who grow up fatherless and become criminals OR false "hope and change" presidents.
They will never change because why change a lucrative racket?
Many Blacks were likely hurt by their capture and enslavement by MUSLIMS, especially on the voyage to relatively "civilized" lands.
But once they arrived on the shores of America, the treatment they recieved at the hands of Americans was a very small price to pay for being lifted out of the mud-life of the jungles and their own prehistoric cultures in which no even had even learned to work iron, farm, or raise animals.
Just look at the videos of Black women beating the hell out of babies and tell me why Black's aren't protesting their real abusers.
In effect, "slavery" acted like a wormhole through time, catapulting Blacks at least 10,000 years ahead of their own evolutionary development.
Absent the rescue effect of slavery, 80 to 90 percent of the Blacks living today (on the tax money paid by Whites) would either never have been born because their forebears died in childbirth, starved to death (from their own stupidity and laziness), caught some nasty jungle infection (like Ebola) or were consumed in wars against each other and mother nature.
All I want to hear from Blacks is
THANK YOU America.
What we really need is WHITE REPARATIONS --- payment for $50 trillion in welfare, the costs of law enforcement and incarceration, the damage to our education system caused by dumbing it down to your level, and the resultant loss of jobs to non-dumbed-down nations in Asia. The cost of Blacks in terms of the contamination, degradation and destruction of Western civilization is incalcuable.
Thomas Germana:
"All I want to hear from Blacks is THANK YOU America"
If they can't say thank you --- they should be deported back to Africa.
If they get arrested and convicted any crime, they should be deported back to Africa.
If they can't graduate from high school or get a job they should be deported back to Africa.
If they blitch and moan about racism---Africa's the place for them.
We should extract the minerral wealth of Black Africa until it equals the cost Blacks have imposed on Western civilization by their backwardness, entitlement, lawlessness, violence, congenital sloth, self aggrandizement and self-pity.
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And then I wrote:
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Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
You seem to be under the delusion that there is something wrong with the African proto-human. When in reality they act the same in America as they act in every corner of the globe that allows them. They have advanced up the genetic ladder as far as they could tens of thousands of years ago. They will NEVER "improve" because there is nothing "wrong" with them. They are what they are. What they have always been, and will always be.---Ray
ReplyDelete"African proto-human". Dude. Harsh.
ReplyDeleteBut your point is taken.