Friday, September 08, 2017

Comment of the Day

"I think the sheer lunacy of the hate Trump, and bring down Trump campaigns of the media will have unintended consequences.

After experiencing the constant shouting demented anger and expletives that the media now wallows in, it's harder and harder for any but the most uninformed among us not to realize what the media has become.

There is no pretense any more of objectivity or professionalism. They are a laughing stock, and utterly unworthy of any respect.

The so-called fourth estate was granted a special privilege in our society because of the important role in informing the populace so they could carry out their responsibility as citizens. It is impossible any longer to pretend that the media does any such thing.

They must be stripped of their special status and their lies and withholding of information that they don't like has to prosecuted as criminal behavior."

@American Thinker

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