Thursday, February 11, 2016

Comment of the Day (MINE!)

 In response to the typical dis of Trump that he's not sufficiently "conservative".

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Trump is SACRIFICING to become president. Every other candidate will increase their lifestyle and their fortune by becoming president.

His running for office is actually a loyal, America-loving, patriotic, self-sacrificial act.
That's a pretty conservative value.

How many others in our history would measure up to that?

How many others took a cut in pay, to live in a less ornate (and possibly smaller) house, and gave up his personal jet, his independence, and the job he adores? (if he didn't he wouldn't be so rich...)

Sure it's good for his ego. But that's true of every single man who has ever been elected President. So it's hardly a unique motive.

And how many people seem less in need of an ego boost than Donald Trump, if you're being honest?

Indeed, if his ego is so huge...he's risking that too...just by entering a race that he certainly seemed VERY unlikely to win in the beginning.

So no. I don't agree with the assessment that Trump is a loud buffoon, only in it for the fame and glory. He'll be getting less of that as President than he has been all his life. And he'll be getting a thousand times the partisan, brutal criticism, and public exposure of his every word, and action, and mistake and misspeak than would never happen where he a private citizen. All potentially ego crushing experiences.

And he's too smart not to know it.

He's smart. He loves America (and Americans, obviously) and is sacrificing his own best and financial interests to do what he can to help his nation that he understands is in critical need of deliverance, inspiration, hope and guidance.

Seems just like the kind of man we need.

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