Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Just for Fun

The most offensive post on the internet (or so I've been told). Read, add to it, and pass it on:

Bruce Jenner: Feels like a woman all the way down to his balls.

Slaves: Sold by blacks in Africa.

CO2 Emissions: More dense than O2. Why aren't mice suffocating?

Palestine: God's gift to Israel.

Welfare: How Democrats bribe their inferiors.

Transgender: It's Halloween every day!

Gender reassignment surgery: Who cares about hungry orphans?

Atheism - The word "God" is right there in the title. Nice.

Abortion - Because libbers hate black people.

Democrats - Started American slavery, the KKK and segregation.

Lesbians - Because no man will date them.

Homosexuals - Because of daddy issues.

HIV/AIDS - How God feels about homosexuality.

Gun laws - Because criminals will TOTALLY obey them ;)

Prisons - Feeding, clothing and sheltering rapists and murderers with your money.

Muslims - Their founder was a pedophile, murderer, rapist and thief. 'Nuff said.

Airport security - Because you never know which granny has a bomb in her knickers.

Gun free zones - Because those signs are force fields against weapons.

Blacks: They could be living in a mud hut in Africa if it weren't for slavery.

Feminists: Because spending $100K to study your own gender is a GREAT idea. XD

Abortion: State-funded infanticide.

Socialism: Nazis, Commies and Fascists, oh my!

Obama - Proof that anyone can become president. AAAANNNYYYOOONNNEEE...

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