Friday, September 04, 2015

Donald Trump's Plan For America

Doug Johnson at Horse Sense Blog has done an admirable job distilling Trump's plan for making America great again from Trump's 2011 book Time to Get Tough.

Here's the Link to Doug's post.

Here's how it starts...

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Here's the Nonsense:  Donald Trump is too outspoken, flamboyant, irreverent, and has hair that I hate for me to consider him a serious candidate for President. We need to force him out of the race immeditely.

Here's the Horse Sense:  Trump may be all of those things, but speaking your mind has historically been something Americans take pride in. We need to know more about his plans for America before we make a decision about him. And as for his hair, if you judge people based on their hair, weight, skin color, the way theydress, or anything else that says nothing about their character or ability, then you need to look in a mirror to see the real fool.

The media, politicians from both parties, political pundits, and many talk show hosts are leading the charge to attack and/or discount Donald Trump's run for the White House. Criticisms of the most superficial things control the conversation. Leftist groups have mounted campaigns to have those who do business with him quit doing so Yet with all the criticism and threats, Trump not only doesn't back down, the stronger he stands the more his poll numbers rise.

And through it all there seems to be no constructive arguments against Trump.

We're seeing no attacks on his plans for America. No denial of the truths he's speaking; just attacks twisting his words through a politically correct filter. But Americans who aren't involved in the day-to-day world of politics and reporting on it, or who aren't members of the politically correct class, are hearing form Trump the words that they themselves think. He is willing to way what they think and not back down when confronted. He's rapidly becoming a modern day icon with John Wayne strength that Americans look up to.

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To read the rest, follow the like above. And when idiots make fun of Trump as a clown and a blowhard, hit them with it.



  1. I have hesitated to comment because I really don't know enough about Trump other than he is putting fear into elitists. I love that but a president that does not make. Where is his defense of the Constitution? Where is his admonishment of a corrupt Supreme Court? Where is he on more subtle issues that require a leader, not a demagogue?

    I remain a supporter of Cruz but will support Trump to the extent he makes elitists uncomfortable.

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  3. Trump's recent statement concerning Obergfell that the decision of 5 lawyers is the "law of the land" tells me he has no problem with judicial tyranny. His ignorance on the 14th Amendment and claiming it is "unconstitutional" would be funny if I had any trust in his love for the constitution, but I do not. With all of the good constitutional arguments against anchor babies, why would Trump say that and not use good arguments? Something is not adding up right.

    I am getting the impression that most of Trump's noise is his way of saying "see, I tried" when he knows a court will overturn his decisions. "You can't deport those aliens" some court will say, and Trump will respond "you are right, that's the law of the land".

    I'll stick with Cruz but I will cheer Trump on as he makes the elitists on both the left and right squirm.

  4. It's hard not to love someone who makes both Crime Families of the Washington Cartel squirm as much as he does.

    As for his love of the Constitution. I think his expressed love of America might just cover that.

    He's not a scholar, he may not even be very political. But hopefully, should he be elected, he'd hire smart and able people, just like he does in his business life, to DO the business of America, instead of the business of inbred government.
