Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Smiling Villains

This grinning boob is Fatima Noor, who was hired as a special assistant in the Office of the Director for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the Department of Homeland Security in 2014.

I just became aware of this fact, and sent the email announcing it to a few friends. One of them responded with a minuscule correction (via Snopes cut and paste) regarding her specific title...without comment.

I took it as it was meant....dismissive of the information, and of my concern. I, too, responded...because I admit, it kinda pissed me off. I can't help but feel my friend is one of those mushy headed liberals who believe that islam* is, in fact, a "Religion of Peace"...and only a few radical extremists are responsible for mayhem, slaughter & murder, caused by it IN EVERY CORNER OF THE WORLD wherever muslims* reside.

In my educated and informed opinion (if I do say so myself) here's the difference between a "moderate" muslim and an "extremist" muslim:

The "extremist" muslim want to saw your head off.
The "moderate" muslim wants the "extremist" muslim to saw your head off.

I operate in the world with that understanding.

Because, "...One may smile, and smile, and be a villain."‡

So, here's my response, as I wrote it:

I think you might be kinda missing my larger point here. Allow me to clarify.

In islam, there is no understanding of “ Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s.”  There is no requirement or even encouragement to obey any civil law or treat any non-muslims with dignity or respect. Indeed, islam encourages its adherents to defy civil Western laws, customs and traditions in civilized Western countries, and demand islamic law, customs and traditions.

They are encouraged to lie to us “infidels" until they gain numbers sufficient to disrupt society with violence until all their demands are met, and finally to conquer it and take over, at which time they institute Sharia Law, an insult to all things civilized, decent, Godly, and humane.

So….yeah….I don’t like the idea of any muslim, especially some idiot female wearing that profoundly stupid “proud to be a second-class citizen, piece of property, and have my genitals mutilated”  headgear, appointed – on any level – to any position that involves obeying/enforcing/determining/influencing/ interpreting/suggesting any official policy of any department of the government of the United States of America. And the idea that this woman would be allowed anywhere NEAR the Department of Homeland Security is an insult to the memory  of every American who died on 9/11 , the attack on all Americans by muslim barbarians (but I repeat myself) which precipitated the formation of said department.
It is also an insult to every civilized human being from the time of the Crusades to the War in Iraq who fought and died to stem the tide of the islamic scourge of savagery and barbarism.

So…..that’s what I REALLY meant when I sent that to you.

If you think I’m being too harsh, I refer you to Geert Wilders, an internationally known  member of the Dutch government, who has plenty to say about the REAL goal and character of islam – the totalitarian, beastly, murderous, tyrannical, despotic, Satanic political ideology posing as a religion — as they are clearly and loudly demonstrated by the actions and behavior of muslims every day in his country, The Netherlands, and across Europe:

(FYI: I  was at the Mountain View speech mentioned on the website, and the level of security was crazy because he is marked for DEATH by muslims for daring to criticize their behavior in his country, and their religion in general. So in Mountain View, California…a few miles from my house…he was surrounded by 4 bodyguards in suits, security in camo and long guns inside and outside the hall; and the Mountain View police department surrounded the hall, blocking off streets, and thus all  access to the hall via vehicle for the entire duration of his speech!)

…and I further refer you to Pam Geller, another target of violence & murder by adherents of the “Religion of Peace” for the evil outrage of engaging in Free Speech in  America, and daring to criticize islam and their bloodthirsty, xenophobic, pedophile “prophet”:

So, yeah, this grinning, slave-scarf wearing, brainwashed islamobot, who serves a world-assimilating ideology not much different than the BORG…appointed to the Department of Homeland Security IN ANY CAPACITY…is definitely on my list of BAD THINGS.

I sure hope we're still friends.


*It is my practice to never capitalize islam or muslim. It's my small way of showing my contempt for both. Same goes for muhammad (which I am never sure I spell correctly—and don't care) and koran, which I refuse to spell with a "q".

‡(Did you already know?) Hamlet, Act I, Scene 5


  1. In many debates between Christians and Atheists, I here accusations that the God of the Bible is a "homicidal maniac" for ordering the total annihilation of certain peoples, such as the Amalekites, Canaanites, Sodom and Gomorrah. They never mention in there ranting that God found these people to be an abomination, usually practicing child sacrifice and sexual perversions that would make most homos blush. In other words, atheists get really upset when God destroys evil. They want a pansy god that will let them do anything they want.

    When it comes to Islam, the same atheists that cherry pick the Bible to justify their anger with God do not even read the Koran to see what it says. They are under the spell of evil, and if evil says Islam is the religion of peace, they choose to believe the lie. It just convinces me that atheists are most upset and angry with the real God, not the phony muslim god.

    Of course, your definition of the moderate muslim is correct but to go one step further, muslims who do not do bad things to infidels are the apostates. The Koran is clear and though it does allow deception, there comes a time when you have to prove you are a good muslim.

    The only muslims I know that might be trusted because all of Islam considers them apostate, are the Kurds.

  2. I attended a Geert Wilders speech last week, and it was refreshing beyond words to hear a public figure speak without reservation about the evil that is islam. He pulls no punches, and he minces no words. He does not talk of "extremists". He talks only of muslims and of islam.

    When you hear it in a public forum like that, you realize how circumspect our politicians are in their discussions of the problem, and how such reticence empowers the enemy and shackles us.

    It has got to stop. I think speaking out without fear encourages others to do so. So it's time we all do.

  3. Gunslinger,
    It is refreshing to read someone who has an almost identical take on islam (including refusing to use capitals which would indicate respect. I have a blog which is about 90% an attempt to educate folks to the truth about islam, and how ISIS is the most accurate expression of true, orthodox islam. If you get bored, take a stroll through a few of my posts. You'll be one of the only five or six people who have read any of it, but I think you'll enjoy it :-)

  4. He Reg, thanks for commenting. And thanks for the link. I'll totally check your blog out!

    Keep at it. We'll get the word out eventually!
