Thursday, August 06, 2015

Know Them By Their Enemies

Sometimes it's hard to get an exact read on a guy. Sometimes a person's history is contradictory, or obscure. Sometimes you just don't have enough information to make a really informed judgment.

So, sometimes you have to use the limited information you've got to try to assess a person or policy.

And here's where others can be so helpful.

Let's suppose you're young and confused and you keep hearing/reading anti-semitic statements. You may wonder why people hate the Jews, and if there is something inherently wrong with them. But once you notice WHO hates them, namely the Nazis, the Muslims, Black Muslims, and Black Race Hustlers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton...if you've got a brain, you're going to figure out that it's pretty likely the Jews are alright...

...with enemies like that.

I'm starting to see Donald Trump in the same way.  I don't know anything about him, really. I've never paid attention to his career, his TV shows, his bombast. So all the smearing of his personality, character, seriousness had me wondering if he really was just a buffoonish clown jumping into the GOP primary as a sort of publicity stunt.

But then I paid attention to who was doing the most to belittle Trump, and lo and behold, it was the worst, corrupt, communist Democrats and the crony GOP elites/establishment, the Inside-the-Beltway Media. You know, The WASHINGTON FRAT CLUB. The Insider Ruling Class that is in it for the Power, Prestige & Money, and doesn't want some outsider upstart rocking that boat by exposing the wheelin' & dealin', corruption, hustles, lies and outright thievery, with Truth to the Peasantry.

So, yeah. Trump's enemies list turns out to be a powerful reason to support him.



  1. Good point. You can also consider that if he really is running on his own money, none of the power structure that runs the current Frat Club (SEIU, UAW, Planned Parenthood, the Too Big To Fail Banks, and the rest) won't have any influence over him.

    Considering how "all over the place" his record is, it's hard to figure out what he'll really do.

  2. While I agree a person's enemies are an indicator of the person, it is far from a complete or even reliable indicator. Lots of bad people have other bad people for enemies. Trump threatens the "established order" but what does he propose in it's place? I don't hear him running on a smaller, more constitutional government platform.

    I'm all for Trump making the ruling class cringe, showing the feckless how courage is popular and otherwise igniting hope but I don't know enough about all the other things that matter as much if not more than immigration.

    Where is Trump on Health Care? The Ex-Im bank? Iran? The American Military? The federal budget? Unconstitutional Supreme Court rulings? The setup could be the media gives him a pass on those issues until the GOP is hopelessly split and ineffective against their candidate of choice.

    It is too early to tell but I suspect Trump is his own kind of elitist and that is what is killing our country.

  3. I had to put a postscript on my previous comment after receiving an email from "Defend the Donald" addressed to True Conservative It raved that the Donald took on the media, but I ask, does that make him a conservative or just a better tactician than his opponents? Where is Trump's EOTIS platform? Not a word from him about government lawlessness.

    I'm not saying anything negative about Trump and in fact, I hope he creams the cowards in the party and makes Democrats squirm. But that just requires restraint and I'll put my real effort behind Ted Cruz when that counts the most.

  4. I admit to being a Cruz girl to the end.

    But, it's just so delicious to see Trump driving the establishment crazy. They deserve every bit of it.
