I have several times opined in this forum that blacks are not the
biggest problem in this country, that the biggest problem is the
Democrat female. The next biggest problem is the Democrat male.
Blacks make up only about 13% of the population. They are predicted to make up only about 15% by 2060. Even though non-Hispanic whites will be less than 50% by then they will still outnumber blacks by about 3 to 1. So why are blacks seemingly such a huge problem? Could such a small percentage of the population cause so much trouble by themselves? I think the answer is clearly, no. This country may very well become like South Africa but it will take white people to make it that way just as it took black racist white people to make South Africa into a hell hole.
Blacks in Abomination are statistically poor and uneducated. That I attribute to the one most important black group statistic, the low average IQ for the group, which predicts exactly those outcomes. They have horrendous cultural pathology, such as owning the worst criminal record of any group in the country. And that may also in large part be due to low group IQ.
But they are also filled with intense hatred for whitey. And that cannot be attributed mainly to low IQ alone, nor to poverty, nor to any other black pathology. They hate whitey because they BLAME whitey for their current situation. And why do they blame whitey? Well, my answer is because a segment of white people find it convenient to lie to blacks and to use them as pawns, to gin up hatred for whitey, to get votes.
White Democrats, exactly like Krepel IMO (I assume he is white), have been telling one vicious lie to blacks for decades. The lie is that white racism is the cause of black failure to thrive. Sure, known black racists like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Obama, and others, do this. Black Liberation Theologists do it. But IMO their lies are vastly outnumbered by the lies of white Democrats. And IMO the white Democrats are just as much black racists as the black black-racists. They all spew anti-white racial hatred. Hello, Krepel.
For want of a better word, I call them Whegroes, white on the outside but virulently black racist on the inside. A prominent recent example is Rachel Dolezal but they are found in very large numbers in Hollywood, in journalism, in government, and most egregiously in academia. In fact most if not all of the Democrats in the country should be considered black racists for spreading this black racist lie.
Read the Dylann Roof manifesto. He says that the biased coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting is what first made him wake up to the real problems in this country. He then seems to reach a wrong conclusion. He seems to conclude that blacks are entirely to blame. But the biggest, baddest actors in the Trayvon Martin scandal were not blacks. They were the Whegro journalists from Democrat media who misrepresented the truth at every turn and cried 'white racism' at every opportunity. Just like Der Krepel is doing today.
IMO the greatest blame for Dylann Roof, the greatest blame for most of the intensity of the racial hatred in this country, lies with the white Democrats who use black people as pawns and lie to them daily. Take down the Confederate flag, but unless or until you take down the black racist liars in the Democrat Party IMO virtually nothing will change. Many white people are getting fed up with being falsely blamed for black failure. Maybe they will next wise up about which group is most responsible for misguided black hatred of whites.
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Blacks make up only about 13% of the population. They are predicted to make up only about 15% by 2060. Even though non-Hispanic whites will be less than 50% by then they will still outnumber blacks by about 3 to 1. So why are blacks seemingly such a huge problem? Could such a small percentage of the population cause so much trouble by themselves? I think the answer is clearly, no. This country may very well become like South Africa but it will take white people to make it that way just as it took black racist white people to make South Africa into a hell hole.
Blacks in Abomination are statistically poor and uneducated. That I attribute to the one most important black group statistic, the low average IQ for the group, which predicts exactly those outcomes. They have horrendous cultural pathology, such as owning the worst criminal record of any group in the country. And that may also in large part be due to low group IQ.
But they are also filled with intense hatred for whitey. And that cannot be attributed mainly to low IQ alone, nor to poverty, nor to any other black pathology. They hate whitey because they BLAME whitey for their current situation. And why do they blame whitey? Well, my answer is because a segment of white people find it convenient to lie to blacks and to use them as pawns, to gin up hatred for whitey, to get votes.
White Democrats, exactly like Krepel IMO (I assume he is white), have been telling one vicious lie to blacks for decades. The lie is that white racism is the cause of black failure to thrive. Sure, known black racists like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Obama, and others, do this. Black Liberation Theologists do it. But IMO their lies are vastly outnumbered by the lies of white Democrats. And IMO the white Democrats are just as much black racists as the black black-racists. They all spew anti-white racial hatred. Hello, Krepel.
For want of a better word, I call them Whegroes, white on the outside but virulently black racist on the inside. A prominent recent example is Rachel Dolezal but they are found in very large numbers in Hollywood, in journalism, in government, and most egregiously in academia. In fact most if not all of the Democrats in the country should be considered black racists for spreading this black racist lie.
Read the Dylann Roof manifesto. He says that the biased coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting is what first made him wake up to the real problems in this country. He then seems to reach a wrong conclusion. He seems to conclude that blacks are entirely to blame. But the biggest, baddest actors in the Trayvon Martin scandal were not blacks. They were the Whegro journalists from Democrat media who misrepresented the truth at every turn and cried 'white racism' at every opportunity. Just like Der Krepel is doing today.
IMO the greatest blame for Dylann Roof, the greatest blame for most of the intensity of the racial hatred in this country, lies with the white Democrats who use black people as pawns and lie to them daily. Take down the Confederate flag, but unless or until you take down the black racist liars in the Democrat Party IMO virtually nothing will change. Many white people are getting fed up with being falsely blamed for black failure. Maybe they will next wise up about which group is most responsible for misguided black hatred of whites.
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I think the term self-loathing has been over and incorrectly used to describe a particular behavior that is not at all "self-loathing". The term has often been applied to liberal whites and very often to liberal Jews. These people are not self-loathing but are exhibiting what they consider to be the superior moral position of their group by apologizing for the consequences of their superiority. Perhaps a walkthrough would clarify this phenomenon.
ReplyDeleteA liberal white apologizing for slavery is not apologizing at all because he has nothing to apologize for. It is a show, the "look at how superior I am" routine, the ultimate "I want to be noticed and make a difference" trip. It is psychotic to apologize for things you did not do but this is what many liberals must do to convince themselves that they are superior to others.
If this kind of behavior were harmless we could ignore it but it is the worst form of pacifism in most circumstances because it presupposes a hostile relationship and encourages bad behavior in exchange for more apologies, and ultimately, concessions and giving in to extortion.