Friday, June 05, 2015

Poor Bruce

The spectacle of "Caitlyn" romping in Vanity Fair has provoked sadness and anger in me. Bruce Jenner  (like every transsexual) is obviously suffering from a psychological disorder. But rather than receiving the treatment and care he desperately needs, his disordered delusions are being indulged by a culture of depravity and ignorance exemplified by the vacuous media, narcissistic Hollywood and the foul, political Left.

It is the cruelest of responses....dubbed "compassion" and "tolerance" by the vile exploiters for their hidden, unspoken, nefarious—one might even say, Luciferian, ends.

In reading comments about this story, I came across this, which succinctly says it all:

by the3Ds...

"I feel sorry for Bruce. I think he deserves our sympathy more than our ridicule because I believe he is suffering from mental illness. I won't make fun of him any more than I would someone who has a phobia or someone who was born with a disability.

He seems to have a split personality but because he's decided to be a "man who thinks he's a woman" instead of a "man who thinks he's a pig", he is embraced by the LGBT community who does a fantastic job in claiming that everyone with an issue regarding their sexuality is totally normal and if you say otherwise, you're a homophobe.

Bruce will likely kill himself or do great harm to himself once he finds out that "Caitlyn" isn't really what he hoped she will be. He claims "she is so much fun and everyone will love her". He found a therapist who will take his money and gave him the green light to mutilate himself.

If your friend comes home and declares he's a pig and he will have surgery to make his nose more snout-like, attach a tail and insists on rolling around in mud all day, it does him no favors to go along with his delusions. A man claiming to be a woman is no different except for the LGBT community applauding their choices and the media who pretends they admire their "bravery" while secretly hoping everyone thinks they're freakish enough to generate ratings."

I hope Bruce finds the help he really needs. But I fear that this wild publicity will only serve to influence more suffering people to make the same mistake.



  1. I can glue wings on my cat, but he still won't be a bird.

  2. Exactamente, Wraith.

    When men have transsexual surgery, they become something else, all right. They become eunuchs.
