There is a temptation to despair in the face of the seemingly inevitable demise of our once great country. The disgusting display of Imperial Presidency, the frustrating, humiliating impotence of the Frat boy millionaire's club known as Congress, the out-of-control Supreme Court rewriting laws, and inventing "rights"...are enough to make a serious, patriotic citizen despondent.
What have we done? How did we allow this? How could we have lost what was the greatest country in the history of mankind? How did we let it slip through our fingers??
How could we citizens have permitted the degeneration of our great nation into the morass of corruption and debasement of all virtue that it has become?
We had it, and we lost it. Does it get worse than that?
But wait...
Our Founders knew this was the way of government. They tried their best to design one that would work as well as government could possibly be expected to, for a while. But they knew...
Remember? Thomas Jefferson told us this would happen. He knew...
He warned us that this was the way ALL government worked (which is why the Founders called government a necessary EVIL). He said it out loud and clear:
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. "
Note especially the words: "FROM TIME TO TIME".
What that means is that what is happening now was entirely predicted by the Founding Fathers. They never expected the government they established to last without resorting, from time to time, to the sword, to bring it back to its roots.
We are not failures for "allowing" the degeneration of America. We are living through the inevitable, natural cycle of "Degeneration and Renewal" that Thomas Jefferson predicted.
He actually talked of "tyrants"...meaning he assumed that they would arise, even in the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.
And he told us what to do about them...
So, don't despair. Understand the cycle, share the good news, and together, let's start a movement dedicated to initiating the Renewal.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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