I am inching my way towards "Racial Realist", and while there are a number of wonderful websites and books with brilliant insight on the matter, there are also some unfortunate sites that seem obsessed with "Da Joos".
What is UP with that?
I've looked at the issue, and other than finding that some Jews actually like, admire and defend their own people—something we Whites would be well advised to emulate—I have yet to find any credible evidence that they are trying to rule the world or steal everybody's money.
It makes me sad when potential White warriors sideline themselves completely with this weird, baseless, dated, fascist obsession.
Blacks are burning down
cities, Mexicans are flooding into the country in a unchecked tidal
wave, and they're worried about Jewish conspiracies?
I don't understand what they think is IN IT for the Jews when all the white people and Western civilization are destroyed.
are pretty smart. They don't tend to burn their cities down, or demand
you become Jewish or die. I don't see them destroying the cultured White
world in which they are so successful. What would be the point?
what I can tell, there are not a lot of Jews in Africa, or Japan, or
China, or the South Sea. They seem to like the West. Why, exactly would
they seek to destroy it?. Or the Whites who built it and maintain it?
What do Anti-Semitics see as the Jews end game? 'Cause I can't figure it out.
to them, Jews already control all the banks, the financial
institutions, Hollywood, and the media. So what do they think Jews are
angling for?
If they are behind the flood of immigrants into white
countries, what is the plan? If they're the authors of PC, what is the
goal? If they are the inventors of Affirmative Action, what is the
Now, if they're Liberals, well we know the answer. But what does their "Jewishness" have to do with it? Do we blame all Hungarians when Hungarian liberals do these things? Do we blame all Vietnamese when Vietnamese liberals foster these things? Do we blame all Scots when Scottish liberals perpetrate these outrages? Why then all Jews?
No one has been able to satisfactorily answer these questions, no matter how many times I ask.
last thought. The average IQ of Ashkenazi Jews is the highest of all
human groups. So let's assume they'd do the logical thing. Is it
logical for the tiny number of extant Jews to wish to live in a world
without Western civilization, but rather in one awash in barbarism,
violence, tribalism and savagery, where they are massively outnumbered?
I have a very high IQ, and that sounds really stupid to me.
until these questions can be answered satisfactorily, I'm gonna have to
assume that JewObsession is a mental disorder, like Liberalism, utterly
without merit.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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