Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Baby Bitches

Renaissance Nerd wrote this, commenting on a post in American Thinker about how Liberals, often women, simply cannot be friends with someone who is a conservativ

You can follow the conversation that resulted in this comment, here.

I think he nails it.  I particularly like this: 

"That's why all the 'I am woman hear me roar' propaganda has resulted in present-day fainting-couch feminist who can't bear to hear anything that might offend their shrinking-violet sensibilities."

Boy, talk about the truth. "I WANNA BE FREE!, but YOU have to take care of me," is pretty much the new feminist mantra. It's embarrassing and infuriating.

It's too bad you can't just shoot the bastards.



Renaissance Nerd...

"To a closed mind, nothing is more painful than opening. Rather than face such agony, it's far easier to simply hate those who raise the possibility.

From the very beginning the core of all leftist thought has been resentment. Once you become resentful it poisons every other area of life little by little. Nothing is more corrosive. When you come to believe that others are responsible for every problem in your life, and resent them for it, you stop learning, stop growing, and the mind snaps shut.

Women have always been more susceptible to words than men, very likely because men have been using words to trick women from time immemorial. Upon a time nearly all women knew that; their mothers taught them, and society at large organized around protecting young women from the more predatory men. Now it's the other way around; feminism promotes and protects predatory men (Bill Clinton, for example) and excoriates responsible men, and responsibility in general. Freedom is not possible without responsibility, and if you convince women that they are never, and cannot be responsible for their own behavior, it's like a drug. It's HARD to be free; it's easy to be a helpless victim of circumstance. That's why all the 'I am woman hear me roar' propaganda has resulted in present-day fainting-couch feminist who can't bear to hear anything that might offend their shrinking-violet sensibilities.

Women who drink this kool-aid never have to grow up. They can be helpless infants forever. And they resent the hell out of anyone telling them different.

Which, of course, is why conservative women stand out so much. They are altogether admirable for embracing responsibility and adulthood, even though that ought to be the minimum expected. Someday it will be, but we're still growing into a new paradigm.

Both men and women have been less than adult in most societies for most of history. Men started breaking out in 1776, though it's still not finished, and women have been catching up ever since. Individuals of both sexes are already there, but as a whole, not yet. Oddly enough, that is in large part thanks to feminism, for men and women both.

If you're looking for a Victorian lady who faints at the sound of heated voices pick a feminist. Strong women are all conservatives."

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