Monday, May 11, 2015

The Wookie Whines heart is just bleeding. In fact, I have a tiny, little record player playing "my heart bleeds for you"....right here at my desk.

Yea....Michelle Ă˜bama is whining to anyone who will listen about how hard she has it as the first black first lady.

Wow...I hadn't noticed, considering the millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of taxpayer dollars her worshipfullness has spent on personal vacations..being treated as an A-List celebrity—except even more important—all around the globe on a seemingly permanent vacation calendar.

Poor woman. It must be SO HARD to be feted by The World, loved by Hollywood, adored by Academia, worshiped by the Media.

Please note:  Emotional Toll.  Poor dear.

Knocked by "race perceptions". Yes. She is the First Lady of the United States of America. and is STILL complaining about racism. It's utterly astonishing.

Apparently there is nothing on earth that will make her happy. Nothing that can knock that massive block off her shoulder.

What, enough Whites don't curtsey to her ladyship? Enough Whites don't grovel before her majesty? What, Enough Whites don't consider her better than themselves—for no reason except they OWE her some indefinable debt for some indiscernible circumstance or accomplishment?

She's perfectly mad.

Honestly, I believe she hates being black—and a dark-skinned black to boot—I think she is in denial about it, and has chosen to blame white people for her own self-hatred.

Nothing else makes sense.

There is no reason at all for anyone to particularly respect her. She has never done anything even mildly worthwhile or memorable. Every position she has ever held has been a direct result of the position her Affirmative Action husband has acquired. She is a classic "hanger-on". Nothing more that part of his entourage who gets perks because of the association.

She is mean, ugly, ungainly, impolite, arrogant (for no good reason), demanding, wasteful of other people's money, feels and acts "entitled", and lectures others about things she knows nothing about (food, for example).

I my opinion, she should feel ashamed as the first black first lady, for being so perfectly horrible at it. And demanding that everyone around her...indeed the entire country, somehow bend a knee to her self-proclaimed greatness.

She is probably even more of a narcissist than her old man.

With even less reason. She can't even manage the slight charm that he apparently dredges up to seduce the rabble.

She needs to go away, to shut the fuck up, to be grateful that someone of her utter mediocrity has, by a stroke of undeserved fortune, and the PC blessing of her dark black skin, been given the unbelievable opportunity to live like a queen in the kindest, most tolerant, more generous, most civilized country in the history of the world.

One more word out of her will induce vomiting.

In fact, one more word ABOUT her will do the same.


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