Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Beast and Her Old Man

I've been trying to come up with a metaphor, analogy or poetic comparison for Bill & Hill's greed. But I'm not sure there is one. It's so colossal, so vast, so bottomless, so sweeping, so expanding, so boundless, so ravenous...that's it's hard to come up with something that can encompass it.

King Midas, who wanted everything he touched to turn to gold? Naw...he actually wanted to give back the gift when he turned his daughter. The Clintons have no such delicacy. They've turned their daughter into a grasping, thieving, lying, phony partner in their so-called "Foundation" and yet they show no signs of abatement.

Criminals, like the Mob? Hell, Bugsy Siegal and Al Capone, who made their money through Private Sector Free Enterprise would stand in awe and envy of the Clintons' dedicated, single-minded, tenacious, acquisition mission using Public Funds, State Favors and "legal" and "charitable" "Donations".

From lying, unethical, grasping and greedy—even before the Arkansas governorship—to selling the Department of State to the highest bidders for gobs of dirty money...they may indeed have no equal.

The other well-known "machine" politicians have mostly had the decency to stay local, but for the Clintons, even a Presidency is not enough. No...they have to have TWO!

I know that politics has always been the province of crooks, cheats, and liars...but generally they had the good sense to put on a "respectable" face on least for the public.

These two don't even bother. They're crass, coarse, oafish, boorish, classless, graceless and tasteless.

Oh, wait...considering who's in the White House now...I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they think it's a winning blend of attributes.

What the fuck happened to my country?


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