I wrote this in 2007. Have we figured it out yet?
I've decided that the "debate" between Conservatives and Liberals has to be recast. We Conservatives are losing because we refuse to speak the truth. We are always trying to be gentlemanly, perpetuating the falsehood that Liberals are well-meaning, but merely misguided, stupid, emotional, immature, adolescent, silly utopians who haven't grown up or grown wise.
I have been guilty of that mistaken notion until recently. But no more. They're Tyrannists. They actively support, encourage, promote and champion tyranny.
Just as there was no honest parallel between the Nazis and the competing political parties in the early 20th century, so there is no honest parallel between the Liberal-Left and Conservatism.
The Liberal-Left are the enemies of freedom. Never doubt it. They are not good, honest, patriotic citizens that just happen to have a different political philosophy than Conservatives. They are evil operatives, attempting to overthrow our way of life and institute tyranny, which they call Utopia. Like Stalin. Like Hitler. Like Pol Pot. Like Mao. Like Castro. Like Idi Amin. Like the Islamofascits. Like Kim Jong Il. And like the FNG (F**king New Guy), Hugo Chavez.
To them Utopia means they wield total power, and enslave the millions to serve them. "Utopian" is the touchy-feely word for Tyrannist.
They call themselves "liberals", "progressives"...sugar coated terms that hide their real intent. They are enemies of freedom. They are the enemies of mankind. And if we don't see that until it is too late, we will be just like the West Europeans who found themselves ruled, controlled and slaughtered by Nazis; or the East Europeans & Russians, the Chinese, the Vietnamese, Cambodians and Cubans by Communists; the Iranians and Africans by Islamofascist Imams; the Iraqis by Saddam; the Ugandans, by Idi Amin; the North Koreans by Kim Jong Il.
All these tyrants are the same...no matter what they are called. Their obsession is for total power to dominate, control and exploit others.
The Left are monsters of the same stripe. They foster, support, work for, and whenever they get enough power, enforce tyranny. They have extinguished any doubt about this by their behavior in those places where they have, indeed, gained such power: our Universities. They have instituted rules that are unjust, oppressive, biased, unfairly administered. They demand and allow only the "right" kind of words, actions, and thoughts. They are the ultimate infringers of freedom. They rule and control their little kingdoms with absolute, shameless and arbitrary power. And they do it boldly, self-righteously, without apology.
And they would do that to the entire population if they had the power. Through our courts they have already infringed upon our freedoms to a scandalous extent. They have created thought police with "hate crimes", they have punished merchants for making legal products, they bring and win frivolous lawsuits that bankrupt prosperous companies. They seize private property to enrich their powerful contributors. They have disarmed the citizens of municipalities and entire states in direct contradiction to the Constitution of the United States. They have created such complex and absurd webs of laws and regulations that any citizen will be in technical violation of one of them...and at their mercy should that be convenient or useful. They have perverted science to outlaw behaviors of which they disapprove. They have made it compulsory for those who work...the productive...to support the indolent, the criminal, the vagrant, and the slothful.
They have made religion almost as illegal as smoking. They have made pornography art. They have made murder a "civil right" and the execution of murderers a vice.
They have twisted the truth to foster their agenda, i.e., murderous savages are "freedom fighters"; liberators are occupiers; Islam is a religion of peace; Christians are dangerous; Mexican sneaking illegally into our country are "oppressed". Citizens guarding our borders are racists, bigots and vigilantes; teachers are underpaid; government control is more efficient than the marketplace; Liberals are more enlightened and kinder than Conservatives.
But the biggest lie of all is that Liberals are for Freedom and Peace. They are for violent and oppressive violation of all that we hold dear. They are not for freedom, but tyranny...tyranny by and benefiting themselves. They are not for peace. They are for the total oppression of the entire population by any means necessary to ensure their ambitions of total and complete power.
And the Liberal Democrat media is their propaganda machine.
They are the enemy.
They do not respect law, order, justice, democracy, liberty, honesty, courage, honor, duty or faith. They are self-serving, ambitious, power hungry criminals and liars, collaborators and traitors.
I'm sick to death of pretending otherwise. And as of this moment, I refuse to do so any longer.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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