I wrote this years ago. Still hunts...
The degeneracy of the Modern Liberals is almost breathtaking. And they seem to have no idea they are being consumed by the corruption. They stand stiff-necked and proud of their betrayal of all things good, and stand shoulder to shoulder with evil the likes of which our ancestors fought and died to eradicate.
If we don't eradicate Modern Liberalism, we too shall fall. As great as America is, it cannot withstand this assault of pure evil from within. Great empires cannot survive their own disease of spirit.
And make no mistake, Modern Liberalism is a disease worse than any the planet has ever known. The Plague and AIDs are sniffles by comparison.
The Black Death and AIDS attack only the body, Modern Liberalism conquers and destroys the soul. A fate, literally, worse than death.
Living in Modern Liberalism's Capital, California, is like living in the movie, Night of the Living Dead: They are everywhere...minds blasted, drooling, shuffling in unison to the inhuman call of masters black and bloated with corruption; issuing grunts, cackles and bleats without intelligence or understanding, devouring everything healthy, bright and beautiful, gnawing on the bones of our past, tearing down sacred traditions and institutions, creating a dark chaos where once there was order and light; preferring the graveyard to the garden.
And like the phantoms in your nightmares, they will never tire, never stop the chase; never give up until they have eaten our souls, too.
Unless we stop them once and for all. Whatever it takes, stakes through the heart, silver bullets, holy water, sacred fire...we'd better figure it out, and soon. Or the whole planet is going to be turned into their preferred real estate.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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