How tired are you of blacks "protesting"?
See, here's the thing.
I don't wanna be mean, and I know I've said this before, but I don't care about blacks. I know it's hard for them to understand what I mean when I say that...
...but I don't think about blacks. I don't worry about blacks. I don't care about blacks one way or the other.
There is a black woman with whom I am friendly. I care about her. But I don't care about blacks as a race, as a group, as a "minority". I don't think about them, I don't care what's going on with them. I'm not interested. I don't find the subject compelling.
I don't care about their self-esteem. I don't care about their nutrition. I don't care about their poverty. I don't care about their problems. I don't care about their success. I don't care about their failure.
I don't hate them, I don't want to discriminate against them, I don't want to lynch them.
I don't CARE about them at all. They don't enter my mind in the normal course of events on any given day.
I don't give Vietnamese or Puerto Ricans or Guatamalans or Tibetans - as groups - much thought either.
Nope, don't care.
I find it so odd that black people assume we white people spend a lot of time hating them—as a a race...when, in fact, we white people as a whole don't spend any time thinking about black people at all...with the obvious three exceptions...
1) the wild-eyed white pride supremacist extremists who believe that blacks so inferior to whites that white should never associate with them. (I've never actually met one of these)
2) the wild-eyed white guilt supremacist extremists who believe that blacks are so inferior to white people that they need nanny-like white saviors to create a world in which blacks are not asked to live up to the standards of behavior required of every other race on earth - because they are constitutionally incapable of doing so; because they cannot be held responsible for their own actions, choices, behaviors, any more than small white children can. (I've met hundreds of these. They abound in colleges, the Media, Hollywood, and among professional agitators, Marxists, and Progressives.)
3) White victims of black racist violence (they are legion).
Michael, Trayvon, NYC big fat asthma dude.
I DON'T CARE. And I don't care that blacks care. I don't care that blacks are trying to make it into a big deal. It's not. And all their rioting doesn't make me care. It just makes me think many blacks are dimwittedly unable to apply logic to a perfectly straightforward event; or alternatively, evil and willfully criminal...seeking an excuse to be violent and lawless.
I don't think this is the effect they are looking for...I could be mistaken, of course.
When blacks stop killing blacks by the truckload—on a daily basis, or at least attempt to address it as though it matters, then maybe I'll listen in on the conversation. Until then, all I hear is blah, blah, blah, blah...
Stop committing violent crimes, don't violently fuck with the police. What the hell is wrong with you?
Stop acting so stupid and ignorant that you demonstrate that #1 and #2 guys above have been right all along.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
I need to point out something about group number 2 that is often missed. They don't believe blacks are in any way inferior. They believe that the inferior behaviors they see stem from insufficient resources and inadequate socialization during their formative years. Which means they believe the government has to keep giving until everything is even. Which is even more frightening.