Well, I've figured out what the problem is.
Yeah. THE problem. The nut, the seed, the kernel...the one, bottom line cause of ALL OF IT.
Sounds impossible, absurd. Ridiculous.
It's not. And it's so simple, so obvious, so actually "in your face" all the time, that we overlook it.
What is it, you ask??
It is simply this: Western Psychotic Self-Hatred
If you boil it down, every single thing that's wrong, every crazy destructive idea, every loony political notion like Affirmative Action, Social Justice, gay "marriage" and abortion-as-a-holy-sacrament; extreme, man-hating "feminism" and all the wild-eyed, hysterical charges of sexism, racism, homophobia, islamophobia, elitism, capitalist piggery, etc. have, at their heart, Western Psychotic Self-Hatred.
It's why our history is now taught as a litany of sins rather than a proud story of success and triumph.
It's why the flag is seen "offensive" to some....by Americans!
It's why there is Affirmative Action
It's why there are calls for "Social Justice" (which has nothing to do with "justice")
It's why we have open borders which means No Country.
It's why some are promoting "a path to citizenship" for illegal aliens criminals
It's why only White people can be "racist"
It's why Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown were even blips on anybody's radar
It's why there is a "Black Caucus" in the Congress
It's why Black Panthers are protected but but the Tea Party is persecuted
It's why capitalism is disdained even though it has created the most wealth and prosperity for the most people in the history of the world.
It's why individualism is hated and collectivism is honored.
It's why hard work and responsibility are scoffed at, and the Gimmedats are pandered to.
What self-loving and self-respecting people would allow their countries and cultures to be entirely swamped by medieval thugs that hate them, and indeed, wish to kill them, like the European countries have?
What self-loving and self-respecting people would do what England has done, and allow their own children to be viciously and appallingly abused rather than been seen as "racists"
by calling out the villains who are non-White/Western beastly barbarians.
What self-loving and self-respecting people would allow their country and culture to be swamped by illiterate, low-skilled, dependent peasants who don't speak the language, don't honor our customs or understand our traditions, and violent gangbangers that have no respect for American values or American laws...none of whom have any intention to assimilate, and immediately upon entry begin to agitate for their "rights"....?
How is is possible that there are parts of Europe where native police dare not go because immigrant aliens are so violent, murderous, full of rage and hatred, that they would attack the authorities charged with keeping the peace in the country generous enough to let them in?
How is it possible that Political Correctness invariably castigates the Western way, the White way, the American way the European way, culture, tradition, history...and exalts that which is not, no matter how foul, how backward, how vicious, how savage, how brutal, how uncivilized?
How is it possible that Social Justice is nothing more than stealing from Westerners and giving it to those who are not.
How is it possible that Christianity is accused of and treated as an oppressive, abusive, intolerant religion, but Islam—whose adherents wholesale murder and maim in the name of Allah, degrade and destroy women in the name of Allah, behead innocents, including little children...in the name of Allah, and is now sweeping through the Middle East in an orgy of blood and slaughter—is treated with delicacy and deference by the same people?
No other part of the world or other race is so afflicted.
The Chinese don't hate Chinese culture and history. They don't hate themselves.
The Japanese don't hate Japanese culture and history. They don't hate themselves.
The Africans don't hate African culture and history. They don't hate themselves.
The Pacific Islanders don't hate their cultures and histories. They don't hate themselves.
Hispanics don't hate themselves, their cultures or their histories and traditions. They don't hate themselves.
Indians (dot) don't hate Indian culture and history,and traditions. They don't hate themselves.
Indians (feather) don't hate Indian culture and history and traditions. They don't hate themselves.
Koreans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Thais, and EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD, does not hate their own cultures, their own people, histories and traditions. They don't hate themselves.
Why are Westerners so afflicted? Why is the West so self-hatingly Psychotically Insane?
Why are we afflicted with Western Psychotic Self-Hatred?
Wait, you know what? I don't care why. I only care that we stop it right now.
It will be the death of us. And there's no excuse for it:
And it's high fucking time we stopped apologizing for it.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
I seldom disagree with you Gunny, but on this one you are wrong. Western psychotic self-hatred is a symptom of the problem. You can treat the symptom but the problem will still remain and the symptoms could reappear at any time. The "problem" is the same as it has always been.
ReplyDelete"Honey, just take a small bite and you and I will be like gods!" "People, just elect me president and I will lead you to salvation and paradise.!"
We are combatants in the war of good against evil whether we like it or not. Unfortunately, the majority of our fellow citizens have chosen evil and we all suffer the consequences. Every rejection of God is a rejection of virtue and the embrace of vice. The stronger our rejection and defiance of God, the more hellish the world becomes. Examples are plentiful and go far beyond self-hatred.
Many Americans embrace envy and want what others have without any effort on their part. They elect politicians who promise to end disparities of wealth by theft. They elect politicians that will tell them that the evil they do is good and that the good they do is evil. The politicians promise to permit every perversity imaginable as long as their power is not threatened. Our two major political parties behave more like competing Mafia crime families. They see government as a prize to be taken and exploited. Our government is lawless because the majority of people have become lawless. Every rejection of virtue produces a complimentary evil.
Elitism is another symptom of the “problem” and the elitists are not just those in power. Every liberal I know regards himself (or herself) as morally and intellectually superior to the masses. To them, the masses are stupid, mindless, selfish and amble about without purpose. They must be restrained, controlled and directed. They need to be disarmed and watched for their own good (and of their rulers, of course). The masses must be trained to behave and follow orders. The masses must be fed and cared for like pets to show our superiority.
Do these elitists themselves? Of course not but they do hate anything that would diminish their own feelings of superiority, including our history and any moral code that says they are wrong. They detest our founders for the type of country they created where elitists were unnecessary.
Every ill we face today can be traced back to the rejection of some virtue and the embrace of its complimentary vice.
When we rejected the virtue of work and instituted the welfare state that rewards sloth, we created the magnet that draws illegal aliens. When government was allowed to supplant private charity, the humanitarian considerations of helping people gave way to the political considerations of how many dependents can I create, how many votes can I win and how friends can I reward. Take food stamps as an example of a program rooted in evil to supplant what churches once did. Being fed by government indulges slothful behavior indeed, but beyond that it also plunders the treasury to reward the few at the expense of the many. Those in certain parts of the agriculture industry benefit mightily from these expenditures of government funds. Food prices go up for everyone as supply and demand dictate. The poor become a permanent parasite class, the rich become much richer, the government bureaucracy grows and pays itself well and the rest of us are stuck with the bill and increasing costs of everything. What we get is an ounce of charity and a pound of corruption.
ReplyDeleteThis is not the kind of charity God asked that we do but try assailing food stamps or any other phony government charity and you will be called evil.
Every problem we see, including illegal immigration, runaway government spending, assaults on personal liberty, inflation, scandalous government agencies, psychotic self-hatred, crony capitalism and many more I cannot possibly enumerate are a natural manifestation that arises from rejecting God. When politicians claim to be our moral guardians that have our best interest at heart, beware of what Jesus said about Satan and how to recognize him: he is a murderer and liar. There are a lot of people in positions both high and low that are doing Satan's will.
While some of the nations you mentioned do not suffer from self-hatred, they too have sealed their fates and produced their own punitive response to the rejection of virtue. None of those countries is anything near paradise and only the ruling class and their toadies enjoy what we consider the benefits of an advanced civilization. While they may not hate themselves, they sure have a high tolerance for evil, and they pay for it.
If you want to cure self-hatred and every other self-inflicted injury, you must first restore virtue and that will not be easy. Virtuous people don't murder their children, steal from others, envy wealth, lie to gain advantage or political office, or place themselves above their Creator in order to approve every evil act they perform. We have a long way to go before those problems are corrected but I am not optimistic. If we can treat the symptom of psychotic self-hatred, something else will take its place until the psychosis returns.
I apologize for the length of this comment but I think it is very important we not delude ourselves in a search for a magic bullet. I believe we are a great nation but that will not convince those filled with envy or with their own agenda for attaining power. I don't see how we can fix anything without a reliance on God. For those who believe they are too sophisticated to believe in God, there is no fix.
I'm a big fan of a show called Supernatural, in which two brothers battle corporeal creatures which most people assume are but figments of nightmares, fantasies and superstitions, (including demons, fallen angels, and Lucifer himself.)
ReplyDeleteI enjoy it as entertainment, but, honestly, I'm starting to wonder if the writers aren't prescient and maybe even prophets.
Things are getting bad. Evil is making a major comeback...and it's really creeping me out.
I'm not sure evil is making a major comeback because I don't believe it ever decreased. The problem is our own timidity about what will think if we express our opposition to evil. Two cases come to mind.
DeleteA bimbo testifies before congress how important it is that she gets free contraceptives from the Catholic university where she is a student. Rush Limbaugh properly identifies her as a slut, yet he gets the heat of criticism from the shameless politicians who paraded the slut before congress. Rush apologized and should not have. Every church in America should have come to his defense, but very few did. Evil is being allowed to win because good people back down.
Some time ago I wrote a defense of Murdoch who was running for the Senate in Indiana. Murdoch, like I believes in the absolute sanctity of human life, that abortion under any circumstances is murder of the most vile kind. My editor would not carry the piece because he was afraid it might have a negative affect on the elections. That is exactly the problem and why evil is gaining. Fear of offending someone is a powerful form of paralysis expertly used by evil-doers to silence critics.
Yes. And it is based in a sense of insecurity about the rightness and righteousness of our core traditional, historical, cultural beliefs. Which is more or less where I started. We no longer have the strength of character or self/cultural/racial/religious-confidence to full-throatedly defend our virtues and values.
ReplyDeleteHow did it come to this? From trying to be "nice" to everyone? From being unwilling to call sin "sin"? By not wanting to hurt anybody's feelings?
By misunderstanding Christianity's message of "Loving the sinner but hating the sin", and "Turning the other cheek"? And turning them into: "Celebrating all behavior no matter how vile", and "Violence never solves anything"?
You can't defend anything, or defend against anything with that sort of wishy-washy, utopian, goodie-two-shoes, rainbow-unicorn thinking.
But I suppose you can console yourself with how "nice" you are as you and yours are tortured and sacrificed on the altar of the intolerant philosophies of the barbarians.
Our churches have failed us when they accepted non-profit status in exchange for their silence on anything declared to be a "political issue" by government. Our major sin is pride. We think we are so much smarter than those who came before us. Ginsburg thinks she is a genius compared to Madison, and Obama thinks he is morally and intellectually superior to any of the founders. So many politicians have the same attitude as do their followers.
DeleteAn increase of knowledge does not make us smarter and in fact may make us far less wise than those who came before us and had to make decisions with much more limited knowledge.