Sunday, September 14, 2014

"No Industrial Capacity"

Brilliant insight by commenter, ClosetChristian, at American Thinker:

"ISIS has money, some oil wells, a few tanks, lots of "technicals" (mcguyvered pickups and SUVs), some APCs, and lots of small arms (rifles, pistols). They undoubtedly have the means and the will to kill many people and break a lot of stuff.

ISIS has no air force. ISIS has no industrial capacity. If the entire Muslim world joined ISIS they'd still have no industrial capacity. They have to beg, borrow, barter, buy, or steal everything they need to wage war.

This doesn't diminish the threat. ISIS is concentrated evil. My point is that we could single-handedly wipe out ISIS and Hezbollah and Hamas and all their parent state sponsors if we had the will to do so. And therein lies the clear and immediate danger from ISIS.

One thing ISIS has that we do not is unwavering determination."

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