Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cats and Men who Don't Like Them

Until they meet them..



  1. I've always loved cats. There's one on my lap at the moment, making it hard to type.

  2. I like cats even though I'm a dog guy. I always teach mine to fetch and snuggle...and they teach me to be tolerant and patient ,lol.

  3. See...it's true, "Real" men love cats.

  4. Cats are something that grow on you. Mine certainly did.

    My first was a Russian Blue we named Spike. I was counting on him to be a ferocious defender of the homestead, but ... that he wasn't.

    Our fiercest cat had two names, Yellow and Balz, both bequeathed by my children. He didn't like cuddling but he sure knew where home was and let nothing in the yard. You didn't try to pet Balz unless you wanted a finger full of claw marks.

    Old TV was a kindly soul and extremely friendly. BTW, the name came from his colors, black and white. Broke my heart when he was hit by car.

    Finally there was Rocky. He was both lovable and playful, got along well with both Spike and Balz.

    Yes, I remember my cats well.
