Monday, August 04, 2014

Patent Office Scandal

Most of my friends are politically active. They are Tea Party people. I was for 13 years.

But, I have been for some time, and continue to be—in the face of ongoing, continuing and regularly discovered abuses of power flagrantly perpetrated, and MY money shamelessly wasted by all levels of government—disgusted to the point of indifference to politics.

Except for: Secession or Revolution.

People, we can't "fix" this.


Oh. About the title: it has just been reported (by almost nobody) that within the patent office, federal paralegals had no work to do for years, but they have spent their time fooling around, surfing the net, doing their laundry, working out..all mostly from home, while getting a bigger salary than most people in the private sector, as well as "performance" bonuses for all the great work they didn't do.

Here's the story.

And if you think this is an isolated incident,  I've got a bridge....

We can "fix" this.

All we can do is burn it down, and start over. And until we get serious about it, don't bore me with "getting Republicans elected".

Please. RME (Rolling My Eyes)

Just call me when the shooting starts.


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