Wednesday, July 09, 2014

What the Tea Party Believes

In words everyone can understand*

1) Leave me alone

2) Leave my stuff alone

3) Get out of my way

4) Don't be an jerk

Among other things, this is what the above can mean:

1) Government that doesn't tell me what to think, what I must say, what I can't say; that doesn't intrude on every moment and area of my personal, religious, political life; that doesn't spy on me, listen to my phone calls, go through my bank account, persecute me because I belong to the Tea Party.

2) Government that doesn't regulate my company (the one I own or the one I work for) out of existence; that doesn't tell me "you didn't build that"; that doesn't tax every dollar I make, because I am self sufficient and productive; that doesn't steal my property, or the just, honest, fair and reasonable use thereof.

3) Government that doesn't require excessive licensing, applications, proofs, petitions, oaths and do anything from starting a business, setting up a lemonade stand, hiring a babysitter, walking a dog, making a donation, home-schooling kids, and pretty much everything else...

4) Citizens (in and out of government) ought to try to be moral, ethical, virtuous. We should all practice the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Would we have Fast & Furious, NSA, IRS, Benghazi, the VA SCANDAL, the Border Crisis, the lawless pRresident and Justice(!) Department, the "Knock-out Game", the perpetual "Race Card", the  rising crimes rates in cities like Chicago, voter fraud, voter fraud coverup, voter intimidation/un-prosecuted, welfare fraud, bald-faced lies by Ă˜bama, Pelosi, Reid, et al, if we all actually believed and practiced that?

Leave me alone. Leave my shit alone. Get the fuck out of my way. Don't be an asshole.

(Hey...I'm still working on #4.)


*(With thanks and appreciation to Bill Whittle, who started it...)

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