I was watching Glenn Beck the other day, and he is promoting the idea of "reaching out" to political opponents, trying to find common ground and work together on things we agree on...and not allow this leviathan, lawless, divisive government to keep us estranged any longer.
As always, a noble Beck sentiment.
Here's my problem.
I'm happy to reach out to other good, patriotic Americans to help save our country. But anyone who supports Øbama simply cannot be a good, patriotic American.
Not possible.
To suggest that one can love Øbama and love America is like saying one can be a committed Christian and a Satanist.
Mutually exclusive.
Look, there are only two choices:
1) If you like Øbama because you don't know who he really is, you're not a good American, because you can't be bothered to stay informed about the most important issues that face our country. You're a crappy citizen.
2) If you KNOW who Øbama is, and like him, you are simply not an American at all. Since America is an IDEA, not a plot of land, if you reject the IDEA...you reject America.
You can't believe in collectivism, and a huge, intrusive government and claim to be an American. Again. Not possible. Contradiction in terms. Mutually exclusive.
If you understand that America is an IDEA...a collection of Truths, Ideals, and Liberties...
....ones that include small, Constitutionally limited government, a free market, and maximum individual liberties...
...then you cannot reject every one of those in practice...and call yourself an "American".
You are, in fact, by definition, Anti-American.
Which is precisely what Øbama is—as he has so ably demonstrated: Anti-American. No matter WHERE he was born.
And anyone who supports him is supporting Anti-Americanism.
And I just can't "reach out" to that.
Sorry Glenn.
Love you, brother, but....no.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Trying to maintain civility with the left is pointless. They are immune to shame and thrive on indecency. All of their outrage is feigned for theatrical impact. They scream if you say they are not patriotic, but they are not. They whine and grimmace if you call abortion murder, but it is.
ReplyDeleteBacking away from hard truths about the massive character flaws of leftists is what encouraged them to press forward and make even more demands to embrace evil. Some of them are just plain stupid and follow those who are just plain evil. I have no interest in reaching out to baby killers who hate this country and would lick the boots of any tyrant so long as they are promised a cell phone.
The left deserves nothing less than constant ridicule and condemnation. Until conservatives fully appreciate the intensity and extent of this idealogical war, victory cannot be achieved.
Indubitably. Absolutely right. Amen.
Upon consideration, it's possible Glenn means reaching out to "average Democrats" rather than "The Left". And if so, there is potentially some value in the attempt. But still...they would generally be in the class of the willingly uninformed, and therefore careless, bad citizens, and I'd have a hard time relating.
Unfortunately, it is the "average Democrats" that have gotten us into this mess. They are easily misled, indecisive and tolerant of every imaginable evil because most are basically cowards who need better people to protect them. Engaging them as moral equals assuming some common ground exists just feeds their indecision and wishy-washy attitude toward just about everything critical issue tearing this country down. I think every "average Democrat" needs to confront the choice to remain the stupid tool of evil elitists or come down firmly on the side of right. We have played footsie with them long enough.
DeleteI keep hoping that they're like I was...just Democrats by habit and history. Lazy, uninformed...and only voting Dem because we've "always" been Democrats. But when I was forced to open my eyes and see the light, I immediately became a Conservative. It's happened to a few people I know...but, generally, I'm afraid you're right.