Monday, May 05, 2014

From the Mailbag

* Hurt the Russian economy??                       

Much has been said about what Obama should do to hurt the Russian economy.  To me the plan is simple:
1) Ban the use of coal in Russia
2) Mandate that Russia goes on Obamacare
3) Don't allow any drilling on Russian public land
4) Have the EPA pass rulings on Russian business
5) Re-define the full time Russian work week to 30 hrs
6) Raise the Russian minimum wage 7) Mandate overtime pay for government employees
8) Demand the Russian Government pay free Welfare benefits to un-qualified Citizens and Illegal immigrants

If implemented, these measures would bring the Russian economy to its knees. It has been working in the U.S.since 2009.


  1. Heh. Good one. The irony is strong with this one...

  2. Thanks. your screen name, fellow Viking!
