Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Is it just me?

I wanna make a food line that:

• is genetically modified
• has unnatural ingredients
• is artificially colored
• is artificially flavored
• has peanuts
• has gluten
• has vanillin* (which tastes better) instead of vanilla
• has soy
• has ingredients from exploited farmers in the third world
• has ingredients from farmers that threaten the rain forests


*Vanillin is a phenolic aldehyde, which is an organic compound with the molecular formula C8H8O3. Its functional groups include aldehyde, ether, and phenol. It is the primary component of the extract of the vanilla bean.


  1. Can it threaten a small creature from the Andies with extinction?

  2. (Haha!)

    Absolutely. It wouldn't be worth eating otherwise!
