Monday, July 08, 2013

Patriotism and the Two Sides

The terms "ruling class" and "country class" were coined by Angelo Codevilla in an essay published in the July-August, 2010 issue of The American Spectator. He expanded it into a book, The Ruling Class: How They Corrupted America and What We Can Do About It (2010). 

Earlier this year, Codevilla published an op-ed in Forbes magazine arguing that: country club Republicans, who don't mind being junior members of the ruling class, are allied with Democrat elites, working against the desires and interests of the country class.

Not a new idea, I suppose, but one I've recently embraced with both arms. It is us against them, but it isn't Republicans against Democrats or Rich against Poor, or Haves against Have-nots, or one race against the other, it's Government against The People.
And Government for this purpose is defined as anyone in, associated with, paid by, employed by, or any of those that want to be in, associated with, paid by or employed by government...i.e., all government workers and their unions, all elected officials, all appointed officials, all unelected bodies who create regulations that The People must obey, all legislators from Congress to City Counciils, all government contractors & all government crony capitalists, their employees, friends, lovers and dependents... get where I'm going with this? Because all these sons-of-bitches have a stake in enlarging government, which enlarges either their bank accounts or their egos or their access to power...power to wield over others:  US...The People. And at our expense in liberty and money.

Government is the enemy of The People.

Love the country. Hate the government.  That's patriotism.

Read more of the essay from which I lifted the above quote, at American Thinker.


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