Interesting day at the Supreme Court (just another out-of-control arm of the colossus).
You'd like to think SCOTUS actually paid attention to the Constitution, and not the vagaries of special interest opinion.
But you'd be an idiot if you did.
I wonder if any the hooters and hollerers, celebrants and cheering sections have any idea what happened today.
Not to put to fine a point on it, the institution of marriage died today.
"Marriage" has been gutted of all meaning. As of this decision, it isn't anything but a word. There is no longer any "there" there.
It has lost any cultural meaning, any societal meaning, it's just a sort of legal artifact, a legal 'condition' that can be applied to anyone who pays a permit fee. Like adding a bathroom, (or in California, replacing a light bulb).
The definition appears to be: What people who fuck sign up for in order to get goodies from the State. Like signing up for food-stamps. Or welfare. Or disability. Or Obama phones.
The idea of reciprocal responsibility; that you get goodies from Society because you provide something unique to Society is entirely missing.
Marriage is now just a proclamation of sex between whatevers. And we all should be ever so excited at the glory and wonder of it all and give them tax breaks.
For what exactly?
I've said this before, and I suppose I'll say it a lot more, but MARRIAGE until today, was an agreement/contract between a couple (heterosexual) and the Tribe/Society/State.
The married couple could be expected to provide Warriors and Mothers to the Tribe/Society/State, and the Tribe/Society/State would give them recognition, respect and certain privileges for doing so.
Without married couples performing that service, what, exactly, is the POINT of marriage?
There simply isn't one.
All of the other, ancillary benefits people point to about marriage are just that...ancillary. They are secondary to and dependent on the primary business and purpose of marriage: to create a family unit that will provide and raise more members of the Tribe/Society/State.
That is the central and main purpose of the historical institution of marriage within society.
Homosexuals cannot, by definition, fulfill this requirement. They simply do not qualify. It isn't discrimination, it's biology.
So, when SCOTUS permits homosexuals to "marry", the very meaning and purpose of marriage is blown to smithereens.
What is left?
A weird legal artifact that for no reason at all blesses certain sets of people with special tax and social benefits.
I'm single. I don't get these benefits. Seems to me, THAT's discrimination.
Why do two married gay men get special protections/benefits/dispensations from the State than I don't get? What, by reason of being married, are they contributing to society that I, by reason of being single, am not?
And why in the world should I subsidize them for living and enjoying sex together? Because that is all their sexual behavior results in: pleasure to themselves. There is no potential for procreation, adding to the growth, prosperity, welfare of the tribe/society/state.
It is obviously and patently absurd.
(No discussion of adoption, please. Anyone of any age or marital status can adopt. Gay marriage is not necessary for that. It is entirely beside the point.)
So what we have accomplished today is the evisceration of an institution that has existed for millennia.
The worst part is that this isn't even a part of the conversation. And the thrilled, cheering throngs of homosexuals and their supporters are entirely clueless of the true ramifications of their "victory".
As the American Empire crumbles, and the Liberal assault achieves its final conquest, only to find that it has murdered the goose that laid the golden eggs, and the zombies well and truly take over...eventually there will come a regrouping of humans, reforming society, and the institution of marriage once again will take its former place as the pact through which the tribe honors and supports heterosexual mates likely to make children.
Too bad I'll be gone by then.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
This is the best commentary you've written.NOT being ironic or condescending at all,believe me.THANK YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, TJ. I appreciate it, and I accept it in the spirit it was meant.