Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Ace of Spades said the following:
AP: We Will No Longer Use the Euphemism "Illegal Immigrant," But Will Seek Out Ever-More Tortured Euphemisms


They're not going to say "illegal immigrant" any more, because, they claim (joining with illegal immigrant advocates who've claimed this for years) "an action is illegal not a person," which is just about the stupidest bubblegum I ever chewed.

So instead I guess they'll call them "unauthorized" immigrants, overlooking the fact that an act is unauthorized not a person, at least until the next mile on the "euphemism treadmill."

Which just means that "moron" may replace "idiot" and then itself be replaced by "retard," but each word newly adopted in the euphemistic treadmill march will itself become "associated with negative connotations," because the word itself connotes something negative (at least something people wouldn't want to be themselves).

You can change "crippled" to "differently abled" but that's not going to stop people from noticing that it is better to walk than to be lame.
So I guess we're playing this game with illegal aliens.

Update: The NYT is now considering it as well.
Did I not just say that? Did I not??

 I did.

Right Here: What's In a Name, Feb. 22, 2013

No matter what you call it, the name gets associated with the "bad thing", until you have to change the name because it eventually grows a "negative connotation". Duh.

I think he read my post. The thinking and wording is extremely similar.

Just sayin'...



  1. Jay Leno nailed it when he said they will be referred to as undocumented dimocrats.

    Fred G

  2. Absolutely.

    And certainly "Future Democrats".

  3. I no longer have the patience to be polite to idiots who are working hard to destroy this country.
    I am a school nurse.
    I am male.
    Most of my co-workers are as liberal as they come.
    A few years ago, at a conference, I had enough of their PC BS. Whenever one of the other nurses "corrected" me by stating "you mean undocumented workers" I replied:
    "I'm an undocumented gynecologist. Would you like to make an appointment?"
