I've felt somewhat alone in my opinion that all Moslems are suspect, and there is basically no such thing as a "moderate" Moslem.
(Yes, I know the current usage is "Muslim"...but fuck them, I learned it Moslem, and I've decided to use it. I might even go real ancient history and use "Musselman",very old school, or the classic Mohammedan which is oddly formal and pleasing to the ear.)*
Anyway, my point—and I do have one—is that you can't trust a Moslem of any stripe. Period. Here's what I mean:
If they are believers, they believe in the filth that is the Koran and the words and deeds of their baby-raping so-called prophet.
In which case you can't trust them. They are terrorist haters who, if not active, actual, personal, on-the-ground, bloody-handed killers, will at least support just such killers—in the name of whatever.
If they are NOT believers, but still identify as Moslems....well they're most likely pretending to be so in order not be get beheaded themselves. I mean, I understand the impulse. It's even almost human on some low, basic, lizard-brain level, I suppose.
In which case they are spineless cowards without honor, integrity, or courage...and you can't trust them not to go along to get along, not to turn on you, not to become a snitch and collaborator...with terrorists and murderers and baby-rapers and bombers and other Moslem psychopathic assholes burrowing into our country. They won't defend you, your innocent children, this country, truth, freedom, life. Forget about it.
Final conclusion: "Moslems" of whatever stripe cannot be trusted. They are, plain and simply, our enemies. Every single last one. No matter how they protest their "peaceful" intentions. There is no such thing in the Mohammedan lexicon.
There is only taquia...the instruction to LIE to "infidels" (that would be us) about just such things, to render us less vigilant and more vulnerable to Islamic conquest.
I am not buying the bullshit.
I'm not exactly saying that Sultan Knish is as cold, hateful, stone-hearted and unforgiving as I am. I'm just saying that his take is a lot closer to mine that most I've read.
So enjoy his piece: Allahu Akbar
The Gunslinger
*Actually, I like best whatever Muslims like least. I'm just a bitch that way.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
11 months ago
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