I can't watch the debates. I get too angry...or disappointed, or dispirited. They are either horrific disasters or deadly boring.
I just can't take it.
But I do listen to the editorials about them....by people I trust, and it gives me the flavor of the event without the pain and suffering.
Glenn Beck had an interesting take on the last one. He reacted like I would have to Mitt letting ZerØ getting away with lie after lie...being calm and conciliatory when there were so many soft pitches to be hit out of the park.
But Beck made an observation that never occurred to me. He said that Mitt was playing—not to us...not to his base, or even to informed voters—but to the stupid people...those who have "not made up their minds" yet. (Their tiny little minds)...
They don't think like us. They don't know the issues like we do. They don't have the perspective that we do.
And we can't think like them.
Beck said we wanted blood. We wanted the football spiked. And he's right as far as I'm concerned.
I wanted decapitation...evisceration...ruination...destruction...I wanted VENGEANCE...for the last four years. I wanted ZerØ to be ripped a new asshole in front of God and everybody. (Only metaphorically, of course.)
And there is SO MUCH ammo to do just that.
But how would that have looked to the simpletons among us? How would that have looked to those whose Øbama's minions are working overtime to convince that Romney is a "war monger"?
So, in the end...even though I was left unsatisfied...pre-orgasmic so to speak...I suppose it was a better way to handle it that my way.
Leaving a scorched earth feels good in the moment...but the like every immediately satisfying violent impulse...it leaves such a mess to clean up.
I don't know if it showed Mitt's wholesome Christian nature..or just his good political instincts. But either way, I pray....seriously I actually have...that it was effective, and that this man who looks, acts, speaks more presidential that the pathetic excuse for a man that actually holds the office....wins in a landslide.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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