Thursday, June 14, 2012

Are We Participating or Posing?

A friend sent me an article titled: The Lesser of Two Evils Con Game, by Tyler Durden.  (Here's a link to the complete article)

I'm thinking it's the hysterical rant of a furious Paulist...who is enraged at Rand Paul's endorsement of Mitt Romney. The author considers the words "traitor" and "betrayal" appropriate aspersions in the circumstances.

Now, while I can understand his frustration with the status quo, and the continuing pretenses of the totally annoying and reprobate Republican Party, there really isn't much one can say in response to rabid Ron Paulites. We've all pretty much had that discussion, like, a thousand times.

Nonetheless, there are two points I'd like to counter:

1) He writes: “A refusal to vote, or a vote for a third party, is not a vote for Obama, or a vote for Romney, but a vote against the charade.”

This is false. A refusal to vote, or a vote for a third a conservative, libertarian, tea partier, or liberty, in fact, without a doubt, and absolutely, a vote for Obama, no matter how one spins it in one’s mind. The facts on the ground confirm it. Utopian Purist fantasies, no matter who pipe-dreams them, are still fantastic.

George Orwell put it this way, "Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist." (said during WWII) Allow me to make the obvious, logical connection: If you don't support the fight against the enemy, you support the enemy. If you don't support the candidate against the Enemy, you support the Enemy.

Can it possibly be clearer than that? Regardless of how pissed you are?

Or, as Edmund Burke said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Like refuse to vote or throw their votes away!

2) The second point is the very premise of the piece, that both Øbama and Romney are "evil".

"The lesser of the two evils” is merely a rhetorical turn of phrase, not an actual description of both people running for office.

I submit that if not Øbama personally, at the very least his ideology has been proved to be evil by the plain facts of history. So, to describe the Democrat candidate—insofar as he and his party endorse what is demonstrably an evil ideology—as evil, is, I believe, a fair assessment.

However, Romney simply cannot be fairly or honestly defined as “evil”.  By all accounts he is a decent, God-fearing, America-loving, family man. He may not be as far to the right as I am, but he is certainly not evil by any accepted standard. And the simple fact is, to vote for him is to vote AGAINST evil in the most effective way: By giving your vote to a person that actually has a chance of defeating the real evil staring us in the face in this election, in the person of Barrack Obama and his coterie of  criminals.

Posing as “too pure” to vote for a real person—with faults & shortcomings—instead of a perfect idealized one, with a perfect ideology, and a perfect record, while allowing evil to prosper is just that: a pose; a self-righteous and self-aggrandizing one. And it makes one a collaborator with and an accessory to evil. *

But if one actually wants to save America, I'm thinking maybe a little more work is required. You know,  the "party-work" almost no Libertarian/Conservative/Anti-collectivist likes doing. Yeah, I mean just what it sounds like I mean: working within the Republican Party, taking it over and making it over into the new face of the Tea Party/Liberty Patriots/Libertarian Conservatives.

It means all the standard organizing, fund-raising, precinct work, retail politics of the most basic, trench, repetitive, non-glamourous type. (I'm already tired just thinking about it.)

Look, if we want to FIX the system, we have to participate in the system. (Yes, even in contradiction to and defiance of my adorable Clair Wolfe.**)

I totally agree we need to tar and feather the RINOS...but we can't do that by voting for Ron Paul (or some other PURE & POINTLESS candidate) in all our high dudgeon and self-righteousness. All we can accomplish by doing that is lose elections and make the Republican Party even more irrelevant—and surrender the field of battle to the evil ideology of the Leftist Democrats, their sycophants & blood-suckers.

We can't win if we refuse to dirty our hands by getting involved. 

The Gunslinger

*Unless one's intention, I suppose, is to help evil win in order to mobilize good people to start the revolution—that one assumes the right side will win—and restore America. This is a pretty extreme strategy, but it does have it adherents. The question is, of course, will "The People" arise against evil? Will "The People" arise at all? Have they ever? If memory serves, it has usually been a dedicated, true-believing minority that has effected most political change in human history. You could look it up.

**who said, "America is at the awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system but too early to shoot the bastards." A quote I adore and want desperately to believe. But mostly so I don't have to do the soul-killing Party Work that appeals to me less than getting a root-canal.


  1. It seems that you've let your neo-con bias get in the way of a fair analysis of the piece. It's sad, really, that you refuse to acknowledge the primary point of the article, which is that Romney promotes the exact SAME policies as Obama. It's as if you are pretending that fact is not a part of the equation. Narrow minded people always conveniently overlook certain evidence so that they might retain their ignorant world view. You obviously suffer from this failing...

    Here's a question; why vote for Romney if his views are identical to the candidate you despise so much: Obama?

    What do you think is going to be different by supporting a RINO version of the Obamanator? You are so preoccupied with getting rid of him, you've stupidly thrown your support behind a guy that is exactly like him. In a way, it's kind of a form of self abuse, or insanity...

    1. I'm not speaking for Gunny but I find your comments nonsensical to say the least. First, Romney was not my first choice and Paul was not my last choice. But Romney will get the nomination and it is two-horse race. There are no other bets to place.

      Obama and Romney are both big government lovers, but to say they are exactly alike with identical views is ridiculously absurd. It just sounds like shrill sour grapes and a temper tantrum rolled into one.

      If there is any self-abuse going on, it's from those that think allowing Obama to win because of some misguided notion of taking a principled stand is some badge of honor while the best it can do is deprive Romney a vote.

      Romney may be amenable to influence and change. Obama is not, and Paul isn't even in the running. I'll take my chances with Romney and continue to write the articles I do and push that agenda on Romney as much as I can. With Romney, there is an outside chance he can be influenced. With Obama, there is none.

    2. Obviously, you have not been paying attention. If you hate what Obama stands for, then why vote for someone who's track record is exactly the same as his? Show me how Romney will be better for the country than Obama based on his record. Is it not ignorant to participate in a rigged game in which you lose no matter what choice you make?

      Why else should a person vote other than to make a principled stand? If neither candidate supports your values, why vote at all? Why participate in your own enslavement?

      You have a very childish view of politics which revolves around the "team" mentality. You seem to only care if your team wins, regardless of whether or not your team is right, or honest. With people like you around, it's no wonder America is in such a terrible state.

  2. Amen,"trubolotta" and Larry! Notice how these weinies like "David" don't allow for a click whereby someone can debate their opinions? (I guess that's what they call "trolling").Always trying to pee in the punchbowl...

  3. Tam ya' ever notice that ye realy love somebody, till they git an idea of there very own that we dont like , then they suck.Guess that old first amendment only works some of the time,and then only when we like what we hear (and yes ,I know I can't spell Can't type neather)

  4. Thanks did an admirable job "speaking for me".


    I like Ron Paul well enough. But as Thomas Sowell says about the Constitution: "Libertarianism is not a suicide pact".

    Let's not stand on "principle" while the barbarians storm the gates and destroy our culture.

  5. I understand the sentiments several people are putting forward here - but I have to actually agree with David on a bit of it.
    It's a two-party system: Therefore, it is BY DEFINITION voting for the lesser of two evils. (They are both politicians. Ipso Facto, De Facto, Evil. Christ wasn't a Pharisee for a reason. )

    Next, voting your conscience as "throwing away your vote."
    NOT true. Incorrect. And this latest election means, who gives a flying **** anyway? The votes will tally the way "they" want, regardless of who voted, how they voted, what evidence is profferred. The fix is in.
    I voted Constitution Party. If enough people voted for ANY third party, that party might (due to fraud, who knows WTF would happen?) get some matching funds - that's enshrined in law now, too. Federal Government helps out the big two, while trying to squish any little ones. So I'd rather vote in a few ways: Cast a vote in the election for a third party (whose proposed principles at least match up with mine a bit); vote with my wallet by avoiding paying taxes I don't have to, and finally voting with my feet by ex-pating if I ever get the chance. I earn well - so I pay more so that lousy slobs can mooch. (I ackowledge there are many incapable of suriviving without charity; I object to the professional mooches and the government reaching into my pocket to "pay" for everyone to be treated as well as I am - leaving me broke. Can't meet my OWN needs, when all is said and done, taking care of a family and just trying to get along. But it's what, $0.10 of every government-filched dollar that makes it to the program? People with real jobs get FIRED for better efficiency / performance.)

    1. (Continuing, had to split it)

      I believe it is necessary to split the vote. Romney might've been amazing; I don't give a flying F***. I now live in Taxachusetts, and I'm learning all about ORomneycare. I don't see why I should have to pay for everyone else; I guess it's "for the children." Like a woman during rape, she should learn to just lie back and enjoy it, huh? F*** NO! She'd gouge his eyes, rip off his ears, bite off his "tool", whatever she could do!

      Should we do less? I vote AGAINST the evils, though I still vote for a "master" of the plantation. Given the results of "Not Voting" (Which might ALSO be "fixed")... Not many options on the table; NONE are good; I'll protest as best I can.

      Alterantives are violence, which won't work well (even if successful); escape, which Congress is working to render impossible anyway; and Death, which is inevitable regardless.

      I don't think we can fix the system from inside, though I believe TPTB will collapse the country, if not the world, soon enough (and that's assuming it's not their goal to do so, that it will happen regardless.) And then we'll have to start over. We can dust off a copy of the Declaration of Independence, and we can research both the Articles and the Constitution, and see what works. And the Bill of Rights is a "must" either way, with a clear explanation of the intents, the purposes, and finally the restrictions on Government power, all added in. (More precise speech, using Greek methods of stating issue, stating solution to the issue, and providing the reasons. So, WRT 2A: The purpose of arms is to defend one's self, one's property, one's country. To that end, all arms shall be permitted those who would be called on to defend the land: All of sound mind and body, aged 16 or older, male or female. Seeking to own weapons sahll not mark one as unsound mentally. Therefore, all manner of weapons in common military use shall be permitted the citizenry, and that armed citizenry shall be termed the Unregulated Militia, to be assembled when needed for training or military exercises, not to exceed one week per six months.

      Lots of holes in that, but I really need to get to work today. It's meant as a concept to explain why there is a law, what purpose it serves, and make it as clear as possible what is and is not within scope of the law. IE, using our weapons to rob someone else is already illegal (robbery), but may not be a reason to preclude that same robber from acting in defense of another, or the homeland, with or without arms. The arms become useful tools for the purpose of defense. A murderer, OTOH, might not get the "pass" - but then why stop at a gun? Knife? Club? Crowbar? Baseball bat? What if they "murdered" (in quotes because "we weren't there", covering "he said" and "preponderance of evidence" type scenarios) the victim with a pitchfork? Shall they be allowed guns to defend the homeland, or do we put them as clerks somewhere? Or do we leave them in prison during time of war? This is meant to differentiate a little between Manslaughter (billed as murder by overzealous prosecutor; conviction on purely circumstantial evidence) and premeditated murder where the implement happend to be a pitchfork.

      We'd need to re-write a lot; we need 10,000 books of law, is it, trimmed down to proper laws, by topic (instead of by bill number), and all must ascribe to natural law. (Right to Self Defense being most obvious, you have the right to defend yourself against attack - you don't need to sit there passively while someone kills you.)

      2 Laws from God.
      10 Laws for the Jews.
      Re-explained in the New Testament for Christians as 2 laws.

      And since then, a race downhill to see how fast we can bury ourselves in legalese, accelerated greatly in the last 50 years or so.

      Stupid humans...
