I think this is what Clair Wolfe meant when she said it's too late to work within the system.
Even when we win....we lose.
House 2010 Tea Party Freshmen balk at serious fiscal solutions...and go along with the GOP "leadership" with their soft soap answers, and who helped get us into the mess we're in by acting like Liberal Democrats.
I get that you can't do good things in Congress if you don't have your job in Congress. But if you do bad things in Congress just to keep your job in Congress....what the fuck is the point?
It's a conundrum. But until we build and elect men who care more about honor and the truth than they do about Money, Status and Power...we're good and truly screwed.
Is there really a way to fix this country through elections?
If so, I'd love to know how. 'Cause I'm not sure I believe it anymore.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
Somebody said, "If voting changed anything, they wouldn't let us."