Thursday, March 15, 2012

Anti-Colonial = Anti-American

Seems like a movie everybody needs to see. Hard to believe it actually got made in America today! Sad, that.

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Bottom line...(I've read some from the TWO autobiographies-what an ego!)...Obama is a hate-filled arrogant little shit who,once his radical father abandonned his naive mother,reaped the benefits of his maternal grandparent's position while mythologizing his father's two-bit loser life.A minor Third World player on the world stage,depending on the naivety of his (half)"blood people" and guilt-ridden white "Liberals" to re-elect him.He turns toward the Middle for re-election,depending on their stupidity...while he takes their money (via government debt) and expects a "Thank you".I guess we will see if America has truly been dumbed-down enough,yet.
