Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Where DID I put that Crucifix?

We're all Catholics now.   At least, we'd better be.

Alas, it's not a question of the administration being tragically "tone deaf," as one American Jesuit claimed, to specifically Catholic concerns. Nor is the bedrock of President Obama's position, in the end, a commitment to "women's health." Outside the ghoulish world of Planned Parenthood, pregnancy does not qualify as a disease. A fertile womb is no threat to human life.

No, this is all about the absolutization of choice for the sake of choice. It's also about creating a society in which any discussion of the actual ends we choose is considered unacceptable in public debates about law and morality.

The Gunslinger

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully,0Bama will lose the 70 million Catholic vote.
