Thursday, February 09, 2012

Manly America

My friend Kerr Mudgeon posted this: James Madison talking about the "manliness" of the American people.

I thought that was interesting, because just this morning I was thinking, how...well, let me put it to you the way it floated into my head while hauling ass over the mountain, listening to Michael Monroe's latest CD.

It was sort of me in the afterlife, explaining:

"When I was an American, America was badass. Nobody fucked with us. We were rich, happy, free and generous.

Now America is a pussy. They're disdained, insulted and attacked from all sides. They're broke, depressed, subjugated and dependent on handouts."

I'm sorry it turned out the way it did. And I wish I hadn't lived to see it. But I'm glad I grew up in the invincible America with "manly" Americans.

It was a lot more fun.

The Gunslinger


  1. I'm reading a fascinating book about the contest between James Madison and James Monroe. Of course the book mentions many of the Founders and their role in creating the Constitution. Truly a blessing of God that so many selfless people devoted to liberty should arise at one time in one place, and though they argued, it was always about what form of government would be the best protector of liberty.

    I have read that King George III said of Washington upon hearing he was retiring from public life after the war that "he would be the greatest man on earth" to not use the occasion to seize power. From George Washington to one pathetic Barack Hussein Obama will be the full measure of our descent, the ultimate betrayal of our noble Founders. It either changes in 2012, or it is the end (Mayan calendar references aside).

  2. Glad to see you are back at posting.

    Here's an award for you!
