Sometime back, Van said...
If you argue with a Leftist, make him identify the underlying principle upon which his argument is based; that principle which is always true, and is true for everyone.
Smart insight!
I propose to use this insight upside down, as it were:
Starting from the principle stated as the title of this post, I intend to engage only in those arguments that are relevant to it.
So often we get side-tracked into specific issue arguments, where we make enemies who could be our allies if we only explained our underlying principle instead of engaging them on issues that would ultimately be resolved by addressing it.
So many of the fears and suspicions of each other, and the problems and issues we argue about would be solved immediately if we dismantled the Imperial State.
Nobody should have the amount of power that Washington D.C. (and some State Governments) wields over regular citizens. When did we decide that it is appropriate for Government to oversee and regulate every facet of our lives?
If you are a conservative, that level of power is frightening in the hands of liberals.
But...if you are a liberal, you might want to consider whether you want that much consolidated power in the hands of conservatives after some future election (it will happen eventually).
The best thing for everyone; every party; every faction; and every individual, is for government to be reduced in power and size to what's actually legal according to the Constitution—and not the expansive notions of Collectivists of a "living Constitution" that keeps expanding the role of government until what we have now bears no resemblance to the what the founders had in mind, or what the Constitution actually says. (You know, in everyday English.) Not to mention the gargantuan leviathan they are working to give birth to as we speak.
Let's just keep our eye on the ball: Dismantling the Imperial State.
Seriously, that will solve all the rest of those issues that keep on taking all of our time and attention, and that we can never solve without addressing the root problem, because they will only grow again from the tainted source: Big Government.
Government is the enemy of the People and the enemy of Freedom. And the bigger it is, the bigger the threat and the bigger the danger.
You just don't need to know anything else.
The Gunslinger
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago
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