Thursday, October 06, 2011

Pete and Repeat

We need to start referring to 'Bama's phony "jobs bill" as what it is...a Union Bailout.

Or more specifically: Government Workers' Union Bailout.

Don't let the Thugs and Crooks and Corrupt define the terms...or frame the argument.

It's just more money to throw at State and Local Governments to bailout unionized Public Employees.

You and I get to pay for it. Again. Because, you know, we already did that in the last "Obama Stimulus Bill".

And if that didn't work? If it was a failure...why are we doing it again?

Doing the same thing expecting a different result.

Wait...that reminds me of something...

The Gunslinger


  1. Still checking out your posts,"Gunny",and loving them,and passing on.Only reason I don't commentate too much,is you ay it better1 Thank you!

  2. Sorry for the bad typing!

  3. So what is it called again when you get unwanted stimulus?
    Yeah, it's kind of like that.

  4. It reminds me of a Sensational Alex Harvey Band song "Vambo".The original lyrics are "Vambo,Vambo sweat and labor,he never never steal from neighbor...Vambo from the Future borrow,he lead children from tomorrow". After checking your post,now I think..."Obamo never sweat and labor,he only only steal from neighbor.Obamo from the Future borrow,he cheats children of Tomorrow..." Childish,but appropriate...

  5. Larry...."unwanted stimulus"...nice.

    TJ...nice take on lyrics. Perfect!
